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BACKENDSteps to Improve Code Quality and Stability in Your Software

Improving the quality and stability of software is key to successful project outcomes and user satisfaction. It involves developing functional features and ensuring that the code is reliable, maintainable, and scalable. This comprehensive guide will provide insight into practical strategies and steps to enhance the quality and stability of your software.


20 min read

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BACKENDHow To Build a Custom Project Management Platform

Companies that use project management practices have a 92% success rate in meeting their objectives. Although there are many off-the-shelf tools available, a custom project management platform can be tailored specifically to your unique needs and processes. Building such a platform requires a strategic approach, combining a deep understanding of project management principles with technical expertise in software development. Read on to discover how to build a custom PM tool now!


20 min read

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BACKENDDeveloping a Vendor Search Platform for Real Estate Professionals

Vendor search platforms are an essential part in streamlining the work process for any real estate professional. They are great for finding and evaluating vendors quickly, ensuring you partner only with professionals, and providing a wide range of potential partners. Our step-by-step guide covers how to develop a vendor search platform for real estate professionals. Read on now!


10 min read

BACKENDGuide to Successful SaaS Software Development: Benefits, Challenges, and Best Practices

Long ago, before SaaS, people hunted for software CDs and floppy disks. The valuable booty was installed on the computer on their own, or with support from fellow tribesmen who proudly bore the title of “computer scientist”. In severe cases, they had to invite skilled programmers to create special systems. And woe to anyone whose hardware would break – farewell to the data! But a few years ago the SaaS boom hit, and these prehistoric times became a matter of the past.

BACKENDBest Tech Stack for Blockchain Development

Blockchain consists of cryptographic keys, peer-to-peer networks with shared ledgers, and means of computing to store transactions and records. However, there’s much more than that. Different frameworks, programming languages, and tools are hard to choose without the right experience. Our article covers them all.

BACKENDTop 5 Programming Languages For Outsourcing Web Development in 2022

To develop a simple static site, you don’t need to put a lot of effort, time, and a long time to choose the technology. All you need is: 1) a little HTML2) some CSS3) and Javascript as the final touch On the other hand, if we’re talking about a complex, interactive site with logic, storage, authorization, maybe with an API, you can’t get away with the standard trio. You’ll need to look for a reliable technology stack and a development team that can handle it.


6 min read

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