



Outsourcing suggests that companies are not willing to cope with something they are not specialized in some problems that need solving on other companies’ shoulders for a decent compensation. With the development of data technologies such as computers and the Internet, this approach reached an international scale. Years ago most companies had their own secondary tasks employees like lawyers, accountants, and janitors. However, nowadays we may witness the age of specialized companies. An IT company hires cleaning service companies, accountancy companies, law offices, and other specialized companies to assist in secondary matters. The same happens to any other type of company: lawyers hire cleaning companies to maintain their offices fresh and clean. Cleaning companies hire accountants to deal with payments, taxes, and other kinds of paperwork. Accountancy companies use food delivery services to feed their employees and finally food delivery services hire IT companies to develop their mobile apps and make their business more efficient. This strategy shows high efficiency and has gained popularity within the past years. Spreading of the Internet throughout the world put this approach at an international level. Now companies can hire teams from abroad if they can find more skilled or cheap workers there.



Usually, outsourced projects are delivered significantly faster. It happens due to high competency on the market of soft developing services and companies. You put deadlines that suit you and ask out for the team, which is ready to implement your project within the time given. 

Bigger pool of talented developers

PHP outsourcing helps to broaden your horizons in terms of choosing talented, unique specialists with different views and approaches to solving PHP developing problems. Those people from abroad usually have interesting non-conformist logic that enhances troubleshooting and helps to find the best solutions. Finding a decent PHP outsourcing company, with great Laravel and Symfony knowledge, also means finding loads of reliable and eager-to-work developers, carefully hired and tested by time and numerous projects, which is better than single freelancers or local employees you could hire instead. 

More technologies and methods available

Since you diversify your choice of web developers you will have a nice bonus of different schools, methods, and technologies available for your project. Specialized PHP developing companies unlike you are tracking all the newest changes in their sphere of competence. This guarantees that your website or an application will be based on cutting-edge techs and approaches. 

Less stress

Programming, testing, troubleshooting, dealing with users’ tech issues – all these matters are extremely stressful. It is so much better to let your outsourcing team do all the work, only giving them a general direction, instead of being under stress because of high pressure from all sides.

Focus on your business objectives

Dealing with your web project as if it was some kind of a black box is more effective than caring about all the inner issues of your project separately. When you let your PHP outsourcing partner care about all the matters related to the project you can set all your attention for solving the main tasks you are really good at.

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Outsourcing PHP development unfortunately has not only advantages but also potholes you should avoid. Almost all of them are connected to the fact that you don’t have direct control and communication with the outsourcing team as if it was your own one.

Hidden Costs and Unforeseen Expenses

The main motivation to outsource a PHP project usually is cutting the costs. Yet, sometimes, especially if the estimation stage wasn’t done properly and the tech stack issues weren’t counted as they had to there is a big chance of extra expenses. As a rule, those extra spendings are connected with hardware and software upgrades, relocation, after-hours services, and troubleshooting.  Although an experienced PM can prevent those risks before the main work has even begun.

Communication Issues

The phone and video calls are great inventions, they cannot replace live conversations though. Communicating in person is far more efficient when discussing a project’s objectives or solving problems. Time zone gaps can also be an unpleasant obstacle, reducing the amount of time available for communication between the outsourcing team and the client.

Control Issues

Lack of communication eventually leads to a lack of control. Sure, outsourcing reduces your stress level, yet you have to keep in mind that though your project’s quality lies on the partner’s shoulders you still need to keep an eye. Eventually, it is you, who shall benefit from the software in the future.

Privacy and Security

Having your product developed by an outsourcing company means that you have to reveal part or all of your secrets regarding the project to an outside team. And the big question is whether you can trust your partner in keeping your data safe. In order not to have any privacy concerns you should pick the team you’re working with carefully. You may check feedback from the previous clients if the company’s website shares them.

Key Project Outsourcing 

Outsourcing some secondary non-urgent tasks is not that bad, it has minimum risks and relieves your own team. But doing so with some vital project that has to be done as soon as possible is a different thing. Having your most important project done by an outsourcing PHP company, trusting them not to fail you in a crucial moment is surely a risk. However, it doesn’t have to be. If you choose carefully you may be the beneficiary of this approach.

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If you are to replace the in-home approach with outsourcing you are going in the right direction. Yet, there are several key moments you need to consider, while outsourcing.

Budget Management

One of the main factors to consider is the amount of time and financial resources you can afford to spend on your project. That will give you the gap in which you will be able to gather your outsourcing team, choose the tech stack for your project, define the project’s scale and other key factors. Defining your budget and managing resources wisely is key to a successful project.

Technology Pool

It is very important to understand what kind of tech your team will be using. Does the PHP outsourcing company have enough competence in all the modern web development technologies? Do they have a qualified crew? These questions better be answered before making a deal.

Service Level Agreement

The SLA is one of the crucial things when we are talking about partnerships for outsourcing. When adopting the document, make sure that all the important matters are clear and possible potholes are discussed. This will help you avoid any inconveniences about the deadlines and the quality of the services you will get. Also, you could hire a lawyer to manage your outsourcing so that you don’t end up having any legit issues.

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Top 5 countries for outsourcing

Outsourcing aims to increase your project’s cost-effectiveness and reduce the amount of stress you are getting while developing a web service of your own in-house. But what are the criteria of the perfect outsourcing countries?

  • High education level and literacy rate
  • GDP PPP per capita is lower than average in the G7 countries
  • English proficiency of the developers in the country
  • Suitable geographical position for better communication

So the choice should be between the countries with developing economies, but the population is educated enough to supply the IT industry with qualified developers. According to this, here is the list of the best countries for PHP development with their pros and cons:


India has a really high outsourcing potential. It is a country with the second-highest population on this list. It also has one of the biggest numbers of IT employees. IT sphere in this country has been growing pretty fast: nowadays the IT industry contributes about 8% of the national GDP.


  • Most of the population speaks English, it is an official language of the state, so you won’t face communication problems in terms of the language
  • GDP PPP per capita is really low – slightly more than 2000$, which helps to cut down the project’s budget without any concerns about working hours


  • The overall bad education results in average low efficiency of Indian developers, making them only effective for small, simple projects 
  • India is geographically far both from Europe and America, hence the time gap available for communication is relatively small, which causes communication and project control issues


Another big player on this list is China. The highest population in the world, combined with the country’s high industrialization is a great combination of qualities. Technical education is being developed rapidly in this country and the IT industry is growing too: up to 30% of yearly growth is not a joke. China has the highest-ranked soft-developers overall, however, the country has a really low percentage of English-speaking population. 


  • High literacy rate: 96.84%
  • Nation’s high industrialization
  • IT industry’s rapid yearly growth, many developers available on the market 


  • GDP PPP per capita is one of the highest among the countries – 10000$, it results in higher prices
  • Less than 1% of the country speaks English
  • Geographical position (too far from the EU and the UK)
  • Internet restrictions within the country 


Poland is one of the strongest soft-developing countries in the world and being a part of the EU this country has many advantages, though is not very expensive in comparison to central European economies. The best Java developers in the world are Poland’s assets and the main reason for Poland to be on this list. Yet the IT in Poland also gets more expensive every year with developers salary expectations growing.


  • High literacy rate: 98.74%
  • Part of the EU, has a good geographical position, especially for the European entrepreneurs
  • 40% of the nation and 95% of IT industry speaks English
  • The best Java developers


  • Pretty high GDP PPP per capita – 16 000$


Software development in Brazil has shown rapid growth throughout the past decade, however this industry, though being represented by lots of employees, remains to be inexperienced with advanced projects. The main reason Brazil is on this list is its suitable for the US and Canada time zone and the huge market of developers with lower salary expectations. The literacy rate is also good: 93%. This makes Brazil a perfect choice for simple projects, where you cannot afford huge budgets. 


  • Suitable time zone for the US and Canada
  • Impressive developers market


  • Lack of experience in complex projects
  • Low English-speaking population rate


Last but not least – another Eastern European nation with a huge and strong IT industry, growing by 27-28% yearly. Ukrainian IT’s contribution has grown from 0.8% of GDP in 2012 to 4% in 2020. An advantageous geographical position near the EU with only 1 hour of difference with the EU and 2 hours of difference with the UK is a great advantage. Ukraine isn’t a part of the EU, however, its citizens don’t need visas to travel there, which is a great advantage: nor people neither Internet are limited in Ukraine, which along with other factors is one of the reasons why it is one of the best countries for PHP outsourcing. 


  • Ukraine has a high literacy rate of 99.97%. It still possesses a decent tech school and delivers great IT specialists
  • An advantageous geographical position just near the EU. 1 hour of difference with Brussels, 2 hours with London and  7 hours with New-York 
  • Low GDP PPP per capita – just 3600$ 
  • The best security protocols specialists and one of the best web-developers worldwide


  • The comparatively low number of English-speakers in the country, yet you most likely won’t see any Ukrainian developers unable to speak good English
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10 other countries for outsourcing

The Philippines

The relatively big market of IT employees, fluent in English and very affordable. A really good choice for simple projects.


This is another interesting choice from Eastern Europe. It effectively closes the top 20 countries with the best developers.


Not the most affordable country on the list, however one of the best in terms of the professionalism of its developers. Taiwan is the homeland for one of the best web development communities in the world.


Cheap and effective for not demanding projects. Perhaps the cheapest country for PHP outsourcing, however, don’t expect too much from their developers. In addition, Egypt’s time zone is pretty suitable for both Europe and Asia.


Expensive, but suitable for complex projects and assures great communication with US clients.


Provides affordable specialists and with any luck great services in mobile development.


Another great choice for outsourcing. The nation is situated in the very heart of Europe and in addition, its web developers are pretty decent and affordable.


This island nation is a well-known IT hub and it will probably remain one for a while. Not the cheapest option, yet a great competitor on the Asian market.


A promising rising star in IT outsourcing. Decent quality and affordability. 


Another strong Asian fighter is Thailand. Its IT industry is very strong due to fairly good education. Thailand’s specialists are pretty affordable and you better consider them if your choice is the Asian market.


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SapientPro is a PHP (Laravel & Symfony) outsourcing company with a very experienced and skilled team and a great history of successful projects delivering. We do everything – starting with the project’s estimation, choosing the tech stack, developing the software from scratch, QA and troubleshooting, releasing the project in time, and providing maintenance services as well as working with users or customers. Throughout our history, SapientPro has delivered lots of great projects such as companies’ websites, e-learning platforms, e-commerce platforms, fintech services, online banking services, delivery services, PWAs, mobile applications, web scrapers, and other products and solutions.

What we guarantee, when you outsource your project with us:

  • Decent, regular communication with our team
  • Fast and reliable troubleshooting
  • Affordable pricing and smart budget management
  • Respect to deadlines 
  • High quality of your product 

Contact our team to discuss your future project with us! We provide all kinds of web development services and do our job properly (from E-Commerce and Fintech to custom development)

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