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ECOMMERCE12 Powerful Ways To Speed Up WooCommerce Store

WooCommerce is the leading e-commerce software platform with a 39% market share. There are over 4 million stores running on this platform with millions of buyers each day. Engaging buyers takes more than just an attractive design and product lineup: you’ll have to provide excellent performance and speed. We gathered the 12 best ways to optimize your WooCommerce store to ensure it always works on top-tier performance. Read on for more!

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NEWS SapientPro at NFT.NYC 2024

Over 30,000 experts gathered in New York to exchange powerful insights. Our CEO at SapientPro NYC Tyler Fallon joined the conference.

ETHDenver 2024: Tyler Fallon
NEWS Visiting ETHDenver 2024

Tyler Fallon, our CEO at SapientPro NYC, joined the world's largest Web3 conference with over 20,000+ experts from all around the world. Check out his experience in the interview below.

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SAPIENTPROOur Support for Ukraine During 2023-24

It’s been almost two years since Russia invaded Ukraine, igniting the largest war in Europe since WW2 and forcing millions of civilians to leave their homes. The battle for freedom is ongoing and SapientPro’s team is doing everything possible to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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blockchainThe Future of Crypto and DeFi - Where are people building?

After nearly seven years of blockchains battling for liquidity, the total value locked (TVL) across these chains has begun consolidating across just a few major chains. By analyzing the one month change in TVL of each of these major blockchains, we can begin to see trends in the market that will dictate the future decentralized finance (DeFi) and cryptocurrency as a whole.


7 min read

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