The redesigning process is not an easy task. First of all, it requires preplanning, creating a checklist, deciding on the budget and finally, step-by-step implementation. There are several main stages of renovating an e-commerce website:
To begin with, define your goals and plan the ways to achieve them. At this stage, you should analyze the website you already have: what works fine and what needs alterations. If you feel unsatisfied with some parts of the webpage, add its redesign into a plan.
Various analytics software like Sisense or Looker may be used to collect user data. Track the visitors, offer them to ask your questions. Consider also conducting research, comparing your business to the competitors’ sites.
To get the overall idea of how the website should look like after redesign, start with creating a wireframe. It will help you to have a visual image of the location of the content on the webpage and added functionality. As a rule, there may be several drafts on the way to the final decision.
Understanding what you need, you can move on to building a mock-up. The full-sized model of the future website looks like a screenshot where you can see all the details well.
That’s when the latest trends of visual design and modern functionality are added to your website. With the recent changes in CSS, bringing new opportunities to web design, upgrading the website is a wonderful idea.
During this stage, you decide on the color palette, content display options, beautiful general image, and easy navigation.
Skipping this step is far from a good solution. With the help of testing, you can detect the problems and inconsistencies of the website before the customers notice them. Insufficient testing can bring about serious troubles including security issues and payment errors.
It’s better to spend more time and double-check everything than present a poor-quality product to clients.