How to Develop a Customized NFT Marketplace for Your Businesses


What is an NFT Marketplace?

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) marketplace is an online platform where users can buy, sell, and trade NFTs, which are unique digital assets verified using blockchain technology. These assets can include a wide range of items such as digital art, music, videos, collectibles, and even real estate or domain names in virtual environments. Here’s a brief overview of the key aspects of an NFT marketplace:

Core Features of an NFT Marketplace

  1. User Accounts
    • Registration and Login: users must create accounts to buy, sell, or list NFTs;
    • Wallet Integration: users connect their digital wallets to store and transact in cryptocurrencies.
  2. Asset Listings
    • Users can create listings for their NFTs, including descriptions, images or videos, and pricing details;
    • Listings can be in the form of fixed price sales or auctions.
  3. Search and Filters
    • Tools to search for specific NFTs based on various criteria like category, price, or artist.
  4. Transactions
    • Facilitate the buying and selling of NFTs directly on the platform, with transactions recorded on the blockchain;
    • Secure handling of payments and transfers of ownership.
  5. Smart Contracts
    • Automate the process of creating, buying, and selling NFTs;
    • Ensure that royalties are paid to original creators during resale, if applicable.

How NFT Marketplaces Work

  • Minting: NFT creators "mint" digital assets, converting digital files into NFTs on the blockchain which verifies their authenticity and ownership;
  • Buying/Selling: buyers can purchase NFTs using cryptocurrencies. Upon purchase, the NFT is transferred from the seller's to the buyer's blockchain-associated wallet;
  • Bidding: auction mechanisms allow users to bid on NFTs. The highest bidder at the end of the auction period wins the NFT.

Popular NFT Marketplaces

  • OpenSea: a comprehensive marketplace that supports a wide variety of NFTs across numerous blockchains.
  • Rarible: known for its community-driven approach, allowing users to vote on platform upgrades and features;
  • Foundation: a marketplace that caters specifically to digital art, focusing on high-quality, curated pieces;
  • NBA Top Shot: specializes in collectible highlights from NBA games.

Considerations When Using or Building an NFT Marketplace

  • Security: implement robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized transactions;
  • User Experience: design the platform to be user-friendly, even for those new to NFTs and blockchain technology;
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: ensure adherence to local and international laws regarding digital transactions, copyright, and cryptocurrency use.

What is a Customized NFT Marketplace?

A customized NFT (Non-Fungible Token) marketplace is a specialized online platform designed to cover specific needs, niches, or user groups. Customized marketplaces are tailored to fit the unique requirements of particular sectors, communities, or types of content, providing features and functionalities that align closely with the interests and demands of their target users.

Key Characteristics of a Customized NFT Marketplace

  1. Targeted Audience: customized marketplaces focus on specific demographics, interests, or industries. For example, a marketplace could specialize in digital art from emerging artists, sports memorabilia, virtual real estate, or specific fandoms;
  2. Curated Offerings: unlike broader platforms where various types of NFTs are listed, customized marketplaces often curate their listings to maintain a focused and relevant catalog for their users. This curation helps in maintaining a consistent quality and types of NFTs offered;
  3. Specialized Features: depending on the niche they serve, these marketplaces might offer unique features such as advanced provenance tracking for art, specialized authentication processes for rare collectibles, or particular social features that allow community interaction within the platform;
  4. Enhanced User Experience: the user interface and overall user experience are tailored to the preferences and behaviors of the marketplace’s specific audience, potentially offering tools and layouts that are best suited for the types of NFTs being handled;
  5. Integration of Specific Blockchains: some customized marketplaces might opt for particular blockchain technologies that are more suitable for their types of NFTs, based on factors like transaction costs, environmental impact, or speed.

Benefits of Customized NFT Marketplaces

  • Niche Appeal: they appeal to users who are particularly interested in the specialized type of NFT offered, which can build a strong community and user loyalty.
  • Reduced Competition: for sellers and creators, these marketplaces can offer less competition than larger, more generalized platforms, giving their NFTs more visibility.
  • Enhanced Support and Services: customized marketplaces typically provide better support and more relevant services for their particular types of NFTs, which can include everything from marketing assistance to legal advice on copyright issues specific to the marketplace’s niche.


  • A marketplace dedicated solely to digital fashion items for avatars.
  • A platform that trades in NFTs related to a specific genre of music or specific artists.
  • An NFT marketplace focusing on blockchain-based game collectibles and items.

Developing a customized NFT marketplace involves understanding the specific needs and preferences of your target audience, choosing the right blockchain infrastructure, and implementing tailored features that enhance the trading experience of that particular niche. This focus can help in creating a more engaging and successful platform for both users and creators within the specialized market segment.

Define Your Niche and Target Audience

Step 1: Define Your Niche

  • Select the Asset Type: pick a specific category of digital or physical assets around which to center your marketplace. This could be anything from digital artwork, music, videos, virtual real estate, gaming items, to unique physical goods tokenized as NFTs;
  • Market Research: analyze existing marketplaces to understand what works and where there might be gaps. Look at popular platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, or niche marketplaces like NBA Top Shot for sports memorabilia;
  • Innovation: consider if there is an innovative twist you can add to your niche — perhaps focusing on a less saturated segment or offering unique features such as enhanced artist royalties or specialized minting options.

Step 2: Understand Your Audience

  • Demographic Analysis: identify the demographic characteristics of potential users such as age, location, spending power, tech-savviness, and interests. This information can help tailor marketing efforts and platform design to better fit the needs and preferences of your audience.
  • User Preferences: conduct surveys, interviews, or use analytics tools to gather data on user preferences. Understand what features they value most, what types of NFTs they are interested in, and what barriers they face in existing marketplaces.
  • Behavioral Insights: analyze user behavior patterns, such as purchasing behaviors, interaction with digital assets, and engagement on social platforms. These insights can help in designing user interfaces and experiences that are more engaging and user-friendly.
  • Community Engagement: engage with potential users early through forums, social media, and other community platforms. This not only helps in understanding what your audience wants, but also builds a loyal user base even before launch.

Step 3: Implementing the Insights

  • Customized Features: use the insights from your research to develop unique features that appeal directly to your target demographic. For example, if your audience is largely composed of digital artists, features like high-resolution previews, robust copyright management tools, and direct communication channels with buyers might be important.
  • Marketing Strategy: tailor your marketing strategies based on the demographic and behavioral data. For instance, if your target audience is young and tech-savvy, focusing on social media marketing and influencer partnerships could be effective.
  • Feedback Loops: establish mechanisms to continuously gather and analyze user feedback post-launch, allowing you to iterate on your product to better meet user needs.

By thoroughly understanding your niche and audience, you can create a more focused and successful NFT marketplace that stands out in a rapidly growing and evolving market.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Get Consulted By Legal Experts

  • Engage a Legal Team: hire attorneys who specialize in blockchain, digital assets, and online commerce. They can provide critical guidance tailored to the specific legal landscape of your country or region;
  • Jurisdictional Laws: understand the laws that apply to your operations based on where your marketplace will be based and where it will operate. This includes intellectual property rights, contract law, consumer protection laws, and any specific regulations related to cryptocurrencies and digital tokens;
  • International Considerations: if your marketplace will operate internationally, it's important to understand and comply with the regulations of all jurisdictions in which your users reside.

Ensure Compliance with Digital Asset Regulations

  • AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Protocols:
    • Implement Systems: use software that can monitor and report suspicious activities automatically. This is crucial for preventing and detecting illegal activities such as money laundering;
    • User Verification: Incorporate user verification processes that collect and verify customer data, including identity verification and background checks.
  • KYC (Know Your Customer) Procedures:
    • Identity Verification: ensure that all users on your platform undergo identity verification, which can include submitting government-issued IDs, proof of address, and possibly additional background checks;
    • Ongoing Monitoring: regularly update KYC information and monitor user transactions for any anomalies that might suggest fraudulent activities.
  • Data Protection and Privacy:
    • Comply with GDPR: if you operate within or offer services to residents of the European Union, ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
    • Secure User Data: implement robust encryption and secure data storage practices to protect users' personal and transaction data.
  • Smart Contract Audits:
    • Ensure Security: regular audits of smart contracts by external security firms can help prevent vulnerabilities that might be exploited by malicious actors;
    • Transparency: maintain transparency by making audit results and smart contract details available to users to build trust and credibility.
  • Regulatory Developments:
    • Stay Updated: the regulatory landscape for digital assets is rapidly evolving. Continuously monitor legal developments and adjust your compliance practices accordingly;
    • Advisory Board: Consider setting up an advisory board that includes legal, financial, and blockchain experts to stay ahead of regulatory changes and industry standards.

Implementation Tips

  • Automated Compliance Tools: use automated tools for AML and KYC that integrate with your platform. This can streamline the process and reduce the burden on your users while ensuring compliance;
  • User Education: educate your users about the legal aspects of trading NFTs through your platform, including the significance of KYC and AML protocols. This can enhance user compliance and reduce legal risks;
  • Compliance as a Priority: treat compliance not as a one-time task but as an ongoing requirement. Regularly revisiting and updating your compliance strategies is essential as your marketplace grows and as regulations change.

Choose the Right Blockchain Technology

Select a Blockchain

  • Compatibility with NFT Standards: choose a blockchain that supports established NFT standards, such as ERC-721 and ERC-1155 on Ethereum, which are widely used for defining unique assets;
  • Transaction Fees: consider the cost of transactions, known as gas fees on platforms like Ethereum. High fees can deter users from frequent transactions;
  • Transaction Speed: evaluate the speed of transactions, which is crucial for user experience. Faster block times mean quicker confirmations for buying, selling, and transferring NFTs;
  • Security: ensure the blockchain technology has a good track record of security and robustness. This is critical as it directly affects the trust users will place in your marketplace;
  • Community and Developer Support: a strong community and ample developer resources mean better support for you when building and maintaining your marketplace. It also means more plugins and integrations are likely available;
  • Scalability: assess the blockchain’s ability to handle a growing number of transactions and interactions as your marketplace scales;
  • Examples of Blockchains:
    • Ethereum: well-established, with a large community and the most developed ecosystem for NFTs;
    • Binance Smart Chain (BSC): offers lower transaction fees and faster block times than Ethereum;
    • Flow: designed with a focus on NFTs and scalable decentralized apps, popularized by platforms like NBA Top Shot;
    • Tezos: known for its eco-friendly proof-of-stake mechanism and growing adoption in the art NFT space.

Design and Develop Smart Contracts

  • Smart Contract Platforms: depending on your chosen blockchain, you will use different programming languages for smart contracts (e.g., Solidity for Ethereum and BSC, Cadence for Flow, Michelson for Tezos);
  • Functional Requirements: define what functions your smart contracts must perform, such as minting NFTs, handling sales and transfers, managing royalties, and enforcing any unique business rules;
  • Security Best Practices: follow security best practices in smart contract development to prevent vulnerabilities. This includes:
    • Code Audits: Have your smart contracts audited by professionals to identify and mitigate security risks;
    • Modular Design: Build contracts with a modular design to isolate functions and make updates easier without affecting the entire system;
    • OpenZeppelin Contracts: Utilize well-tested libraries like OpenZeppelin that provide secure, community-reviewed contract templates;
  • Testing: extensively test your smart contracts using development frameworks like Truffle, Hardhat, or Brownie, depending on your blockchain. Use test networks (testnets) provided by the blockchain for real-world simulation without the costs;
  • Deployment: deploy your contracts to the blockchain using migration scripts facilitated by your development framework. Ensure that you handle this with the utmost security, including securing private keys and access credentials.

Implementation Tips

  • Stay Agile: be prepared to pivot or adapt your technology choices as the blockchain space is rapidly evolving. Newer and more efficient blockchains are emerging regularly;
  • User Experience Focus: while blockchain choice is technically driven, always consider the end user. The blockchain should be invisible to users to make their experience as smooth as possible;
  • Integration with Frontend: ensure that your blockchain backend can integrate seamlessly with the frontend user interface, providing a fluid user experience for marketplace participants.

By carefully considering these factors and strategically choosing and implementing your blockchain technology and smart contracts, you can build a robust, secure, and user-friendly NFT marketplace.

Design and User Experience

User Interface (UI)

  • Simplicity: keep the interface simple and uncluttered. Use minimalistic design principles to focus the user's attention on essential elements like NFT listings, search functions, and transaction buttons;
  • Visual Appeal: since NFTs are often visual, your platform should reflect high aesthetic standards. Use high-quality images, engaging animations, and a cohesive color scheme that aligns with your brand identity;
  • Responsive Design: ensure that the UI is responsive and provides a seamless experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This is crucial as users may access your platform from various devices;
  • Accessibility: design your UI with accessibility in mind. This includes considerations for users with disabilities, such as color blindness or impaired vision, by implementing features like text-to-speech, screen readers, and sufficient color contrast;
  • Consistency: maintain consistency throughout the interface with uniform fonts, button styles, and navigation layouts. This helps in building a seamless and predictable environment that enhances user comfort.

User Experience (UX)

  • Intuitive Navigation: structure your platform so that new users can easily find their way around. Clear menu categories, search bars, and intuitive pathways to important features like wallet connections and account settings are essential;
  • Educational Content: since blockchain and NFTs can be complex, include educational materials directly within the platform. Tooltips, FAQ sections, and guided tours can help demystify aspects of NFT trading for newcomers;
  • Engagement Elements: incorporate elements that encourage user interaction and return visits, such as notifications for new NFT drops, wish lists, or customizable display options for personal collections;
  • Performance Optimization: users expect fast loading times and smooth interactions. Optimize front-end performance to reduce load times and ensure transactions can be completed swiftly and efficiently;
  • Feedback Mechanisms: implement feedback mechanisms where users can report issues, suggest improvements, or rate their experience. This helps in refining the UX and makes users feel valued.

Implementation Steps

  • Wireframes: start with creating wireframes for each page and feature on your marketplace. This helps in visualizing the layout and making adjustments before detailed designs are developed;
  • User Testing: conduct user testing with prototypes to gather feedback on usability. This can be done through A/B testing or by using UX testing platforms that allow you to collect insights from real users;
  • Iterative Design: UX design should be iterative. Based on user feedback, continually refine and tweak elements of the UI and UX to improve the overall user satisfaction;
  • Tools and Technologies: use modern design and prototyping tools like Adobe XD, Sketch, or Figma for designing and prototyping the UI/UX. These tools allow for collaboration and easy handoff to development teams.

Technologies for Development

  • Frontend Frameworks: implement the designs using frontend frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular. These frameworks are effective for developing dynamic and responsive web applications;
  • CSS Frameworks: use CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Tailwind, or Material-UI for styling. These frameworks offer ready-to-use components that can accelerate the development process;
  • User Analytics: incorporate analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to track user behavior and interaction. This data is invaluable for ongoing UX improvements.

Build Marketplace Features

Marketplace Functionalities

  • Search and Filters: implement a powerful search functionality that allows users to quickly find specific NFTs based on keywords, categories, or tags. Filters should include parameters like price range, new listings, rarity, and artist or creator, enhancing the user's ability to navigate large inventories efficiently;
  • Listings: design the listing feature to allow sellers to easily upload their NFTs, set prices (fixed or auction), and add detailed descriptions along with high-quality images or multimedia content. Each listing should provide all necessary information about the NFT, including ownership history, provenance, and any other relevant metadata;
  • Auctions: enable auction capabilities where sellers can list NFTs for sale in a timed auction format. This feature should include real-time updates for bids, a countdown timer, and notifications for outbid notices and auction outcomes;
  • Wallet Integration: integrate with popular blockchain wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and WalletConnect, allowing users to seamlessly connect their wallets to your platform to perform transactions without needing to create a new wallet;
  • User Profiles: allow users to create and customize their profiles, showcasing their collections, past transactions, and ratings/reviews from other users. This can help in building a community and enhancing trust among users.

Security Features

  • Data Encryption: use strong encryption protocols for storing sensitive user data and transactions to prevent unauthorized access;
  • Secure Authentication: implement multifactor authentication (MFA) for accessing user accounts, providing an extra layer of security beyond just username and password;
  • Smart Contract Security: ensure all smart contracts used for transactions are thoroughly audited and tested to prevent vulnerabilities such as reentrance attacks or overflow bugs;
  • Regular Security Audits: conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address potential security threats;
  • DDoS Protection: protect your platform against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can make your marketplace inaccessible to users.

Wallet Integration

  • Multiple Wallet Support: support various digital wallets to accommodate user preferences and enhance inclusivity. This feature should allow users to connect their wallets with just a few clicks;
  • Wallet Transactions: enable direct on-platform transactions, including buying, selling, and transferring NFTs, through integrated wallets to ensure a smooth user experience;
  • Security Layer: implement an additional security layer for all transactions made through the platform to ensure that transfers are secure and immutable;
  • User Education: provide clear instructions and educational content on how to use different wallets with your platform, which is especially important for users new to NFTs and digital wallets.

Implementation Technologies

  • Backend Frameworks: apply robust backend frameworks such as Node.js or Python's Django, which are great for handling database operations, user authentication, and server-side logic;
  • Frontend Development: use advanced frontend technologies like React or Vue.js to build a dynamic and responsive user interface that integrates seamlessly with backend services;
  • Blockchain Integration: utilize libraries such as Web3.js or Ethers.js for integrating blockchain functionalities and connecting to Ethereum or other blockchain networks;
  • Security Tools: employ security tools and frameworks like OpenZeppelin for developing secure smart contracts and Cloudflare for protection against DDoS attacks.

Develop the Platform

Front-end Development

  • Choice of Framework: depending on your team's expertise and the specific requirements of your project, choose a modern JavaScript framework like React or Angular for the front-end. React is known for its efficiency and flexibility with a virtual DOM, while Angular offers a comprehensive solution with built-in tools for routing, state management, and forms;
  • User Interface: develop a clean, attractive user interface that aligns with the visual identity of your marketplace. This should include responsive design principles to ensure usability across various devices and screen sizes;
  • Interactivity: implement interactive elements using JavaScript and CSS animations to enhance user engagement. This could include hover effects, loading animations, and modal windows for displaying detailed information about NFTs;
  • Integration with Back-end: ensure that the front-end seamlessly fetches and displays data from the back-end through RESTful APIs or GraphQL, depending on your architecture choice.

Back-end Development

  • Server, Language, and Framework: common choices for the server side include Node.js for a JavaScript-based stack, which facilitates an isomorphic codebase (JavaScript on both front-end and back-end). Python can be used with frameworks like Django or Flask, which are known for their robustness and scalability;
  • API Development: develop RESTful APIs (or GraphQL if you prefer a more flexible query language) that allow the front-end to interact with your database and blockchain functionalities. APIs should handle tasks such as user authentication, data retrieval, data storage, and interfacing with smart contracts;
  • Database Management: choose a database that fits your data requirements. SQL databases like PostgreSQL are great for structured data and complex queries, while NoSQL databases like MongoDB are suited for flexible schemas and quick iteration;
  • Security Measures: implement security best practices, including HTTPS, data validation, secure headers, and JWT for secure transmissions.

Blockchain Integration

  • Library Selection: use libraries such as Web3.js (for Ethereum and compatible blockchains) or Ethers.js, which provide APIs to interact with Ethereum nodes directly from a web browser or server. These libraries allow your platform to communicate with the blockchain for operations like sending transactions, interacting with smart contracts, and querying blockchain data;
  • Smart Contract Interaction: develop functions that enable your marketplace to interact with smart contracts for minting NFTs, handling transfers, and managing ownership data;
  • Wallet Integration: enable users to connect their blockchain wallets (e.g., MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet) to interact with the platform. This integration is crucial for authenticating users and enabling transaction capabilities.

Implementation Tips

  • Modular Architecture: design both front-end and back-end components to be modular, which makes them easier to manage, test, and scale;
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): set up CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes. This ensures that any new code changes made to your platform are functional and stable;
  • Testing: implement comprehensive testing strategies, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, to ensure all parts of your platform work correctly and securely;
  • Monitoring and Logging: use tools to monitor your application’s performance and log errors or security issues. Tools like Sentry for error logging and Prometheus with Grafana for performance monitoring can provide insights into the health of your platform.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Unit Testing

  • Purpose: unit tests are used to verify the functionality of individual components or functions in isolation. They are the first line of defense in catching bugs and ensuring that each piece of your codebase works correctly;
  • Tools: depending on your technology stack, you can use different tools:
    • For JavaScript (if using React or Node.js), tools like Jest or Mocha are popular.
    • For Python (if using Django or Flask), PyTest or unittest might be used.
  • Implementation: write test cases that cover expected behaviors as well as edge cases for all functions. Ensure that each component interacts with mock data or mock services to simulate functionality.

Integration Testing

  • Purpose: integration tests assess the combined functionality of multiple components to ensure they work together as expected. This includes testing interactions between your front-end, back-end, and blockchain components;
  • Tools: tools like Postman for API testing and Selenium or Cypress for end-to-end browser testing are useful;
  • Implementation: test common workflows such as user registration, NFT uploading, purchasing, and transferring. Ensure APIs correctly handle requests and responses. Validate interactions with smart contracts through the blockchain.

Security Audits

  • Purpose: security audits are crucial for identifying vulnerabilities in your platform, especially in smart contracts, which are often targets for attacks;
  • Smart Contract Audits: use tools like MythX, Slither, or manual auditing services from security firms. These tools can help discover vulnerabilities such as reentrance, overflow, underflow, and unwanted public access;
  • Platform Security: test for common web security issues using tools like OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite to check for vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and more.

Performance Testing

  • Purpose: ensure that your marketplace can handle the expected load of users and transactions without performance degradation;
  • Tools: use tools like JMeter or Locust to simulate multiple users accessing your platform simultaneously. Monitor response times, system behavior under load, and the point of failure;
  • Implementation: perform stress testing and load testing. Identify bottlenecks in your infrastructure and optimize accordingly.

Usability Testing

  • Purpose: validate that the marketplace is easy to navigate and use, even for users who are not familiar with NFTs or blockchain technology;
  • Implementation: conduct sessions where you observe real users interacting with your platform. Gather feedback on the UI/UX and adjust based on the observations;
  • Tools: tools like Hotjar or FullStory can provide insights into how users interact with your platform, highlighting areas where users struggle.

Compatibility Testing

  • Purpose: ensure that your marketplace works across different browsers, devices, and operating systems to reach a broad audience;
  • Tools: BrowserStack or LambdaTest allow you to test how your platform performs on various devices and browsers.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

  • Automate Testing: implement CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or GitHub Actions to automate testing and deployment. This helps in identifying integration issues early and reduces the time to deploy;
  • Monitor Results: set up dashboards to continuously monitor the test results and fix issues as they arise. This will ensure high code quality and reduce the time needed to release updates.

Launch and Marketing

Soft Launch

  • Beta Testing: initiate a beta release to a limited audience before the full public launch. This allows you to gather real user feedback on your platform’s functionality and user experience in a controlled environment;
  • Select Participants: choose beta testers from your target audience, ideally those who are actively involved in the NFT space and can provide insightful feedback;
  • Gather Feedback: use tools like surveys, in-app feedback forms, and direct interviews to collect information on what users like and dislike, what features might be missing, and any bugs or issues;
  • Iterative Improvements: implement changes based on the feedback received. This might include fixing bugs, improving the UI/UX, and adding features that were requested by users;
  • Monitoring: closely monitor the platform’s performance during the soft launch phase to ensure stability and scalability when you transition to a full launch.

Marketing Strategy

  • Brand Positioning: clearly define your marketplace’s unique selling points (USPs). Position your platform within the NFT space by highlighting its unique features, such as specific types of NFTs, lower transaction fees, or enhanced security features;
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): optimize your website for search engines to increase organic traffic. Focus on keywords that potential users are likely to search for when looking for NFTs and related services;
  • Content Marketing: create high-quality content that engages and educates your audience about NFTs and your marketplace. This can include blog posts, videos, tutorials, and infographics. Sharing success stories and showcasing popular NFTs on your platform can also attract interest;
  • Social Media Outreach: use social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to build a community around your marketplace. Regular updates, interactive posts, and exclusive previews of upcoming NFTs can keep your audience engaged;
  • Partnerships: collaborate with popular artists, creators, and influencers within the NFT space. These partnerships can provide credibility and attract their followers to your platform;
  • Email Marketing: build an email list and send regular newsletters to keep your audience informed about new listings, features, and updates. Use personalized content to make the communications more relevant and engaging;
  • Public Relations: reach out to media outlets and blogs that cover NFTs and blockchain technology. Getting featured in these publications can significantly boost your visibility;
  • Community Building: foster a sense of community among users by hosting webinars, live Q&A sessions, and virtual galleries. Encourage user participation and feedback to make them feel a part of your platform’s growth;
  • Incentives and Promotions: offer incentives such as reduced commission fees for the first few transactions or special rewards for early adopters. These promotions can encourage users to try out your platform.

Launch Preparation

  • Pre-Launch Checklist: ensure that all technical aspects, including server stability, load balancing, and security protocols, are thoroughly vetted before the launch;
  • Customer Support: set up a responsive customer support system to handle inquiries and issues promptly. Good customer support can significantly enhance user satisfaction and retention.

Maintenance and Updates

Ongoing Support

  • Customer Service: establish a dedicated support team that can handle inquiries and problems from users. This can include a ticketing system, live chat, and email support. Quick and effective customer service is vital for user satisfaction and retention;
  • Monitoring Systems: implement monitoring tools to track the performance and health of your platform. Tools like New Relic, Datadog, or Prometheus can help detect and alert you to issues before they affect users;
  • Regular Security Checks: schedule routine security assessments and updates to safeguard your platform against new vulnerabilities. This includes updating software, patching known vulnerabilities, and conducting penetration testing;
  • Feedback Loops: create mechanisms for users to provide feedback regularly. This could be through surveys, user forums, or direct communication channels. Use this feedback to continuously improve the platform.


  • Feature Enhancements: regularly update the platform with new features based on user feedback, market trends, and technological advancements. This helps keep your platform competitive and relevant;
  • Bug Fixes: promptly address any bugs or issues reported by users. Regular patch releases can help maintain the integrity and performance of the marketplace;
  • Technology Upgrades: stay updated with the latest developments in blockchain technology and consider integrating new tools or protocols that can enhance the functionality and efficiency of your marketplace.


  • Scalable Architecture: design your infrastructure to handle increases in traffic and transactions smoothly. This can involve scalable cloud services, dynamic load balancing, and distributed databases;
  • Optimization and Efficiency: continuously optimize your code and databases to improve performance and reduce costs. This includes refining database queries, optimizing data storage, and minimizing frontend load times;
  • Resource Management: plan for resource allocation that can scale dynamically with the needs of your platform. Use cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, which offer scalability as part of their service;
  • Handling High Load: prepare for high-load events, such as special releases or marketing campaigns, by stress testing your system and ensuring it can handle spikes in user activity without degradation in performance.

Implementation Tips

  • Automation: automate routine maintenance tasks such as backups, scaling operations, and health checks to reduce the workload on your team and minimize human error;
  • Documentation and Training: maintain comprehensive documentation of your systems, architecture, and processes. Train your team on best practices for maintenance and scalability to ensure everyone is prepared to manage the platform effectively;
  • Continuous Improvement: adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing your platform’s performance and user engagement metrics. Use this data to make informed decisions about upgrades, optimizations, and new features.

Gather Feedback and Iterate

Collecting User Feedback

  • Feedback Channels: establish various channels for users to provide feedback. This can include in-platform feedback forms, social media, community forums, and direct emails. Make it easy and convenient for users to reach out with their thoughts and concerns;
  • Surveys and Polls: regularly conduct surveys and polls to gather specific information on users’ experiences and satisfaction. Tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms can be used to create and distribute these surveys;
  • User Testing Sessions: organize regular user testing sessions for new features before they go live. This can be done through virtual meetings or by using platforms like UsabilityHub;
  • Analytics: use web and user analytics tools to collect data on how users interact with your platform. This data can provide insights into areas where users may be experiencing difficulties or where new features might be needed;

Iterative Improvements

  • Data-Driven Decisions: use the feedback and data collected to inform decisions about which areas of the platform need improvement or enhancement;
  • Feature Updates: prioritize feature updates based on user demand and feedback. This not only keeps your platform technologically up-to-date but also aligned with user expectations and needs;
  • UX/UI Enhancements: continuously refine the user interface and user experience based on user feedback. Small changes, such as adjusting the layout, improving navigation, or enhancing the visual design, can significantly impact overall user satisfaction;
  • Bug Fixes: quickly address any bugs or issues reported by users. Regular updates and patches should be part of your operational routine.

Implementing Changes

  • Agile Development: adopt an agile development methodology, which allows for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) of new features and fixes. This approach helps in quickly adapting to changes and efficiently implementing improvements;
  • A/B Testing: before fully implementing significant changes, use A/B testing to compare the new versions against current ones to measure the impact and effectiveness. This can help in making informed decisions that positively affect user engagement and platform performance;
  • Change Management: manage the rollout of new features and changes carefully. Keep users informed about upcoming changes and educate them on new features. This can include update logs, tutorials, and direct communication through newsletters.

Long-Term Strategy

  • Monitor Industry Trends: stay updated with the latest trends in the NFT and blockchain industries. Adapt your platform to leverage new technologies and meet emerging market demands;
  • Community Engagement: build a strong community around your platform. Engage with users through regular communication, special events, and participatory decision-making processes like community votes on new features;
  • Feedback Loop Closure: show users that their feedback has led to real changes. Communicate how their input has shaped updates and new features, reinforcing that their opinions are valued and taken seriously.


Developing a customized NFT marketplace is a challenging task that requires your business to have a reliable team that knows every step of the way. You’ll have to carefully plan and execute all the development phases, from defining a niche to ensuring full legal compliance, to successfully launch your own NFT marketplace.

Partner with SapientPro – your reliable NFT marketplace development team with 7+ years of experience. We’ll help you build a custom NFT marketplace with our design and development services. You’ll get all the features you need to create a top-tier product and conquer the market. Let’s team up now!

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Mind Reading Services would definitely be popular in software development offices. Why? Because it requires much communication for developers, project managers, and clients to be on the same page regarding desired results. This communication does not always go smoothly – so teams need to guess what their client really wants. According to developers, inadequate and vague requirements from clients (or their representatives) cause significant problems in development. And they are not wrong! Specifications provide teams with insight into what they must accomplish. More than that, they influence other crucial software development processes. Consequently, the most common cause of project failure can be traced to insufficient requirement elicitation. So this process deserves greater attention!


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It is very important to understand that every project is unique in terms of its vision, deliverables, objectives, and workflow. As each project advances through various stages, it even differs from itself. Usually, in the beginning, you know very vaguely what needs to be done. As the processes progress, you become more aware of the situation. So it goes without saying: a single outsourcing model is unlikely to apply to every project at all stages of development. Thankfully, software development firms that handle outsourcing offer different types of collaboration services. Today, we will describe ours.


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Outsourcing has become one of the fireproof saving boats in this heating lava of the IT hiring market. However, it’s not just a way to find additional professionals for your project. Companies often opt for outsourcing to reduce cost (70%), be more flexible (40%), make it faster to market (20%), etc. Whatever the reason for building such a partnership, it will be in vain if you choose an outsourcing vendor that is not up to the task.


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TEAM BUILDINGA 7-step Guide to Effective Project Management

Do organizations and companies really need project managers to accomplish projects? Imagine: the leadership board passes the task to the development team and they get to work right away. And there is no particular person who monitors plans, schedules, deadlines… Thanks to the dedication and responsibility of developers, testers, and designers, everything works out. That would be great, right? The truth is, even if you put together a team of the best specialists with a deep sense of responsibility and accountability, your project will not succeed without project management. Why? Because a project is much more than just assigning and checking tasks. Teams face a range of communication issues, dependencies, deadlines that are missed, unclear task descriptions, as well as questions about goals. Ultimately, if they have to manage all of it themselves, they will not have time to code, test, or design. Let a professional project manager take care of it. Their task will be to optimize the work of your teams and boost their productivity, while also making sure that the project moves in the right direction.


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WEBDEVELOPMENTOutsourcing Fintech Risks and How to Mitigate Them

There are both benefits and risks associated with outsourcing. Success in entrepreneurship comes from the ability to maximize benefits while minimizing risks, and it is true for outsourcing too. Outsourcing will, just like any partnership, require a risk management plan. This is the process of determining how the work will be done in case of unexpected events, how decisions will be made, and how disputes will be resolved. Having a solid plan in place will protect you from any risk that may emerge through your outsourcing partnership. Let’s get ready together!


5 min read

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WEBDEVELOPMENTFintech Outsourcing: How to do it Right

Due to the new norms that pandemics introduced into our lives, many things have changed on the financial landscape. With contactless payments, mobile banking, and real-time transactions, people are getting used to digital-only financial tools, which means they are open to other changes. Fintech companies have a better chance of attracting more users this way, meaning innovations can flourish. Outsourcing is a way to accelerate this process.


10 min read

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Web development is always a compromise between functionality, development time, and cost. Thereby, choosing the right platform is about your priorities and capabilities. One of the most popular platforms used for web blogging services and websites of IT companies is WordPress: it is simple, which is a great advantage for inexperienced developers. So the question is what to choose in the rivalry of building a website from scratch vs WordPress website development?


Web development is a very specific, yet demanded kind of work nowadays. The choice of the programming language is the very first step in the development of any project. It depends on such factors as budget, purpose, scale. Although, some programming languages are used fairly more often than others. Despite being old, PHP remains the most often used programming language for the back-end. About 80% of all websites including ones everyone uses on a daily basis are made with PHP. And this percentage isn’t going to reduce anytime soon.


Web development is at the peak of popularity and PHP remains the main tool for lots of web developers. Up to 80% of all the web software is developed with this programming language. PHP provides all the necessary tools and guarantees interoperability with different kinds of software as well as has many awesome frameworks such as Laravel or Symphony, which make development faster and easier. It is equally suitable for developing websites and mobile applications. However, even such smart web development is pretty expensive and one of the best solutions to cope with constantly growing budgets is outsourcing.


The FinTech industry is one of the most challenging for software development due to multiple regulations, requirements, and expectations. Your team should know the ropes to seamlessly integrate all the needed features and create a powerful project. SapientPro gathered its experience in this post to help you understand what to prepare for.


Have you ever tried to open any web-site on your phone’s browser? If you have, you’ve probably noticed how clumsy it can be. Yeah, opening and utilising a web-site on a PC with a big screen is pretty convenient, however doing the same on smartphones, especially older models with screens smaller than 4 inches is less satisfying. The text is really badly read and the buttons are small, ads may cover too much of your humble space.In order to cope with these and other issues at the dawn of the smartphone age PWA technology was developed.

SAPIENTPROHow to update your marketplace app in 2021?

Creating a successful marketplace application may seem a Herculean task to cope with. However, its maintenance is not a simpler task either. Here we come across the helpful app upgrades. But why do you need to upgrade your application and what features a renewed app should have? Let’s dig deeper into these questions.

SAPIENTPROHow to upgrade your old website for 2021?

Living in a hectic constantly changing world, you can hardly ever find something that remains the same. This statement relates not only to daily routine, but also to any job issues such as keeping your website updated. If your site doesn’t adjust to the latest trends and you haven’t done any rebranding or upgrades for ages, you risk to appear old-fashioned and stagnated. Here is some good news, too. You can always come to grips with reality and start to develop your own upgrading plan for a website. In order to speed up this overwhelming journey, we recommend you to stand still for now and scan carefully the information presented in this article.

SAPIENTPROHow to build a successful development team? (Part 2)

You have already got acquainted with the aspects of first and foremost importance related to forming a successful development team. Let’s proceed with our journey and dwell upon the matter of adequate maintenance of the enhancement team on a certain level. Which characteristics and skills should remain firm with the flow of time for your web development process to be successful?

SAPIENTPROHow to build a successful development team? (Part 1)

When you begin to work on a new (especially large-scale) project, organizational moments themselves look quite intimidating. Despite all the possible challenges, take a deep breath, count 1,2,3 and think carefully about the particular task the team is supposed to solve and what’s the team role within the project frames? Clear targeting and coming up with first juicy ideas will set you a decent start on the way to forming a successful development team.

DEVELOPMENTChoosing Technology Stack for custom eCommerce Development: a guide for the non-tech entrepreneurs.

If only there were an analogy of Hogwarts’ sorting hat for software development… Imagine: you enter your idea of the product, how much budget you have, and get the list of the technology stack and contacts of the development team that would work ideally with your niche! In the real software development world, choosing a technology stack requires planning, discussions, and analysis. Some technologies will work better with your project, and our task is to detect which ones. However, you also need to understand that the tech stack is not something fixed. As your product grows, there comes the need for new and better tools. This way, software development requires flexibility. Thus, prepare that your initial technology stack may not stay with you forever. You may need to scale your project or implement new features and store more information. There may be better versions of some tools available. Prepare to be flexible. Prepare to change and alter things when the upgrades require it. That’s what will make you competitive from a technological standpoint of leading an E-Commerce business. In this article, we will tell you about the most popular technologies that power E-Commerce products. Next time you communicate with your development team, you will know all the essential information and, most importantly, you will ask the right questions.


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SAPIENTPROCommunication in the software development workplace

IT office jungles are filled with computer forests, cable lianas, and rivers of coffee. The temperature varies between 24 and 27, depending on who keeps the conditioner remote control. The sunlight mainly comes from computer screens and lightbulbs. Developers are working like bees: they take the pollen of code and create honeycombs of apps. It is a beautiful environment filled with the magical power of innovation, creativity, and agility. However, this ecosystem only works if there is one more component. This component is communication.


6 min read

DEVELOPMENT10 reasons to update your website

The day has come. Your once successful and well-performing website wears off. And you know what? It is okay. It happens to the best of us. Even while you are reading this article, we are revising our website to improve your experience with it. So let us explain how the updating process works, and not just because we are a software development company but because we understand. Right now, our designer is creating a fresh way of delivering cases, and our backend developer is engaged in the improvement of the admin panel.


7 min read


Outdated CMS may be among the reasons why your business hit a plateau.Developing and launching a website is not where the work stops. Besides, you have to maintain it constantly and implement profound changes. As for the latter, sometimes you may need to do something more than a simple redesign, and that may be a switch from one CMS to another. If your e-commerce business is continuously evolving and growing, it brings along more work to do. New technologies are always here to make your life easier. When it comes to CMS, there is also a great variety of opportunities you can use. In this article, we will walk you through the reasons, things to consider, and steps of CMS replatforming.


Let us be clear, the absence of SEO may result in the absence of website visibility.What people usually do when they need to find some information? Of course, they google it. The same goes for online shopping. When someone wants to buy or just compare prices for a certain product, Internet users simply open their devices to find necessary items online. Although you can now hardly find a person, who doesn’t have a computer or a laptop, people still use mobile devices more often. Thus, 93% of all internet activity starts with a search query. This number is for you if you doubt the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) for your website.


Bear in mind, the whole purpose of dynamic pricing isn’t all about making sales.Price is among the key priorities when the consumers make their final decision whether to buy a product or not. Too expensive or too cheap offers can easily avert the buyers from your store. What if other stores have smaller prices? Or similar products of cheaper brands attract visitors more? The solution for not losing the client base is keeping track and controlling the costs on your website with the help of dynamic price strategies.


The rise of sales, increased traffic and positive reviews are just a couple of benefits you may get from a website redesign.If you want your e-commerce business to grow and develop (we believe you do), you need to keep track of events in the online retail industry and, of course, implement on-time updates. Sometimes, small changes are not enough, then significant renovations should take place. Those may include changing the offers you provide and product lines, updating the website and finally redesigning. The question of redesign should be taken up seriously, as the first impression is what most people rely on when it comes to the Internet and its tough competition. Be ready to invest enough effort and budget to the renovation that will increase your business’s value. To know how to determine your budget. It’s important to consider at first the features, reasons, and type of changes, necessary for your website in the process of redesign.


Adding an online store to your website will cost you less than developing it from the ground up.Selling online is never a bad idea, especially nowadays, when people wish to buy everything they need right from their cozy homes.What if having a ready website a business owner decided to sell something? Good news! There is no need for you to start all over again. There is a solution – adding an online store to the existing website. The opportunities of eCommerce are growing as fast as the customers’ demands.


The e-commerce development company you choose will certainly affect the money you have to pay.The e-commerce website can definitely enhance the profit you receive from your business. But how much does e-commerce website cost? The figures you will hear in an answer to that question can vary a lot. Even after development, you will have to invest money into maintenance, improvement and adding brand-new features that are constantly appearing on the market. That’s in case you want your e-store to be attractive and profitable, of course. It’s even difficult to tell the average cost of how much should I charge for an e-commerce website. The numbers will vary due to different factors. In this article, we’re going to discuss them all in detail to help you grasp some idea about the money you need to pay for the e-store. First of all, you need to decide what you want your e-commerce to offer the customers. It may be anything from small business e-store up to a large website with a big amount of integrated (useful or just good-looking) features. It is also a good idea not to wait until everything becomes outdated. We strongly recommend to update all the features continuously and save money for more innovations.


To avoid the negative consequences, start with determining what you intend to achieve.The popularity of e-commerce is growing at a blistering pace. Many companies around the globe regard the internet as a powerhouse with high commercial capacity and opportunities to boost their business and attract more customers. Those companies are completely right – more and more people prefer clicking the mouse over walking for hours when they need to buy something. Online stores nowadays provide their customers with more possibilities for less effort. But how to make people buy on your website, not any other? The answer is in thorough planning and management of e-commerce.


We don’t say there isn’t enough knowledge, because our specialists are always broadening their abilities, delivering first-rate products and making the customers satisfied.Being a client of a Web Development company doesn’t mean you have to know all the ins and outs of the development process. However, what may be interesting for you is the stages and main characters of the project delivery. You cannot address front-end developer directly if you need to add a new payment method. Even this, as you may think, simple task involves a well-thought teamwork. So, here is a brief insight into the mechanism of SapientPro Clockwork.


If a customer wants to find a development company they can work comfortably with, the staff becomes a really important point to encounter for making a choice.Without any doubt, while visiting some websites, buying goods online or even using a digital map to reach your destination you don’t think of the fact that Ukrainian IT specialists might have taken part in the development of these apps. A great number of companies around the world choose to outsource web development to Ukraine and they do have strong reasons for that. So, let’s give a detailed look at the biggest of them:


As software development is a many-stage process, every its element contributes to what you have to pay for an application.Before starting something new, people usually ask: “How much will it cost me to do this?” If you expect to hear the exact sum once you come to the software development company, here is something you need to know. The factors to be considered for the cost estimation are numerous and most of them depend on how you want your website or app to look like.As software development is a many-stage process, every its element contributes to what you have to pay for an application. Let’s have a closer look at three most important factors that affect the client’s budget.

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