Step 1. Conduct market analysis.
The chances are someone is already setting up a product that is similar to yours. Competition is what all businesses want to get rid of. However, at the launching stage, your “market rivals” are valuable because you can analyze their work, product, mistakes, and pricing. Also, you will more easily understand your target audience. Read reviews and ratings of your competitors’ products. Perhaps you will solve the problems of their clients, and in the future, they choose your company. Understand how and what for the customers use your app.
Step 2. Create a Business Plan
Or hire a business analyst to help you with it. This step, although not connected to the app development, is very important and you don’t want to skip it. Imagine as if you cook a dish without the recipe – it may be good. Still, it may end up with a terrible smell in the kitchen and a weird aftertaste. To avoid users’ weird aftertaste after your SaaS product, the business plan must take into consideration the market analysis, detailed information about the company, the value for the users, marketing strategy, monetization definition, and costs calculation.
Step 3. Choose the development team and the technology stack
A successful team creates a successful project. So hire a good one, which will help you decide which tools and technologies are better to use in your specific case. Usually, the team consists of a Project Manager, front-end and back-end developers, UI/UX designer, business analyst, and QA.
Step 4. Outline SaaS MVP
Do not expect to build a whole SaaS empire in the first months of your work. Begin with something small but valuable. Starting with a minimum viable product, you focus on the most necessary functions and features needed for your project to launch fast.