The comparison of JavaScript frameworks: what is better for your product?


CHAPTER 1 JavaScript outline

If you ask to name one giant of web development, we would definitely mention JavaScript. It is one of the core programming languages used in 95% of websites. There are several reasons for such popularity. It is 24 years on the market without going outdated, which means the community is constantly evolving, and there are always best-practice tools available. JavaScript has dynamic capabilities, filling in webpages with different kinds of animations and interactive content. It helps to increase conversion rates and clickability. As a client, you get appealing and well-behaving pages. From the tech side, JavaScript also wins points. It has a low learning curve, reduces redundant coding, and gives much space for creativity. Compared to other technologies, it is easier to find JavaScript developers fitting your specific project. Also, the optimized code that is natural to this language does a great job in terms of performance. You’ll find out the wonders of rapid development and flexibility in solving problems. 



+ App’s performance. JS code executes on the user’s processor, without traveling for confirmation far away to web servers. This way, the website is faster and more responsive.

+ Rapid development. It is a high-level programming language with a syntax close to English. That’s why coding in it seems so natural and easy for professional developers. It also accelerates the process. In addition, the DOM model used by JS provides many predefined components, which reduces the coding and increases time-efficiency. 

+ Cross-platform. JavaScript code is readable on most browsers. Although the language is mainly client-side, it also enables mobile development and, in some cases, server-side one. 

+ Rich functionality. JavaScript popularity results in a major advantage: whatever feature you want, there are always inside tools and third-part integrations for any purpose.

– Browser support issues. Yes, if you have a JS app, the users of most browsers will be able to enjoy it without problems. Well, with several exceptions. The un-updated old-version browsers may not support some new functions of JS, so the development community has to check and solve it. And it does! However, there so many browsers and so many versions of it! The best solution would be if users did not hesitate to update their software.

– Client-side security. Using the source code and making malicious changes is a possibility when we talk about the JS website. The thing is that the language is open-source. This way, it is better to always choose a professional JavaScript development team with expertise in security practices.

CHAPTER 2 Frameworks: why use one?

Is it an absolute necessity? Nope, you can develop a great app without any framework whatsoever. In this case, why searching for developers with niche expertise and higher rates? 


Because the front-end JavaScript framework does you a favor in a competitive web market world. It also spares your time and provides high-quality solutions. Ready-made solutions available in all frameworks, remove redundant lines of code, save hours of work, and work smoothly with integrations. You get the app or website that is highly compliant with all requirements and business rules. You invest in a product that can be easily scalable in the future and upgraded in every aspect. 


Recall the last time you’ve visited a website. If there are different kinds of animations and graphics, slideshows, and pop-up messages, there’s a great chance you view a JavaScript page. Sometimes, the pages need so many of these elements that it is necessary to write repetitive functions in the code. Is it optimized to write every new one from scratch? Nope. It is more time-efficient to use a framework or library that has ready-made chunks of code with these elements. In the JavaScript ecosystem, these are Angular, Vue, React, NodeJS, and many others.


So, the main reasons to use JavaScript frameworks are:

to develop an app faster and with fewer errors;

to avoid security holes and malicious attacks;

to improve the decision-making process;

to use ready-made solutions and focus on complex tasks more;

to upgrade, update and scale the product without the need to redevelop;

to have extended functionality and additional integrations; 


We at SapientPro do use frameworks because we value time, quality, and effort. Our company has even created a top list of tried and tested tools. However, we understand: the availability of numerous frameworks makes it terribly hard to choose one, especially when you are not a developer yourself. They all seem to contain almost the same functions. They all automate processes and reduce code. Maybe we should just flip the coin and let fate decide? Okay! Heads – you continue reading the article, and we explain everything to you. Tales – you flip a coin again.

CHAPTER 3 Design patterns in frameworks

A bit on theory now! So, there are three main types of frameworks: MVC (Model-View-Controller), MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), and MVP (Model–View–Presenter). They separate the app into three logical components, determining different development aspects to address.


Model is responsible for the way data is structured. It updates the information as soon as the user interacts with the page (e.g. likes the photo, adds an item to the basket). 

View defines the way display looks from the user-side (e.g. how the “like” button looks and acts, the color and size of the “add-to-basket” button). 


In MVC, the Controller is responsible for obtaining requests from users. It processes the new information right to Model. For example, you liked my photo. The Controller must send this information to the Model so that it changed the amount of hearts. The Controller enters this information into the database, and the View changes – I see that my post gets a new like and that it’s from you. 


In MVVM, ViewModel is an interlocutor between VIEW and MODEL, performing two-way interaction. Here, you interact directly with the View. For example, you add an order to the cart. The View sends a request to ViewModel that gets it through to Model. Model checks if the order is available and informs ViewModel about it, that gets in back to View. This way, you’ll see either a full cart or a “notify when available” button. The process is not renewable unless the user interacts with the interface again. 


In MVP, everything happens exactly as in the MVVM design pattern. Only, the process automatically iterates with the help of Presenter. It looks a lot like a consecutive interpretation process on some international conferences. You can see the difference between the three design patterns below. 

MVVM allows independent changes inside each component (alter one layer without affecting the others). It allows extensive code and contributes to more detailed testing. MVP is currently popular among Android developers. It accelerates Unit testing and reduces maintenance costs when comparing to other patterns.


MVC is the most traditional and widely-used design pattern, fitting all kinds of apps in their complexity and industry. Thus, most JavaScript frameworks are MVC designed. However, if your website/app has unique requirements in regard to business logic and performance, it is possible to use MVVM and MVP components.


If you doubt what design pattern is best for your app, contact SapientPro, tell us the requirements and find out!

CHAPTER 4 Most popular JavaScript frameworks

React JS

React by Facebook is actually not a framework. Yet. It is a library with fewer capabilities and a smaller ecosystem than its competitors on the market. However, its popularity exceeds other frameworks. The reason is that React’s components are just enough to solve most of the client-side development issues. Also, because it is of Facebook production, community support is powerful. 



Reusable and stateful components allow optimizing and writing less for the same results;

With a component-based approach, devs can split the code into components ensures consistency that improves debugging, upgrading, and maintaining;

Virtual DOM enables change specific parts of code without the need to alter the whole structure;

JSX implements HTML elements into JS app, improving readability and visualization; 

Community Support is wide and constantly developing;

It’s an up-to-date library. Facebook is continually making the code better. We at SapientPro have a bottle of champagne in a drawer to celebrate the moment React becomes a framework officially!



Our experience showed that it is applicable to any scale of the project. Of course, with complex functionality, there will be a need to code more from scratch, and it takes more time. However, it’s not a problem for most React developers. This library is a must for your project if you need just-in-time responsive and reactive user interfaces. If users of your app or websites will make frequent and constant changes to the user interface (upload photos, like posts, comments), React is a great fit!


Speaking of the previous library’s popularity, Next.js is the front-end React framework, enabling additional functionality to its apps. It helps to provide customized user interfaces according to their requirements and access rights. For example, one platform can have different levels of access for admins, editors, and designers. Also, Next.js allows creating static websites – displaying the same information to all users, regardless of their information (location, age, etc). They tend to be more secure. 



There is the ability to create both static and dynamic websites;

It solves the main security fallacy of JavaScript by providing server-side rendering. It also improves browser responsiveness;

“Hot reloading” feature enables instant updates in UI after user’s activity;

Automatic code splitting provides improved structure to the code. This way, developers are more organized, and new team members get to the grips of the project faster;

API support allows developing some back-end endpoints.



This framework provides out-of-the-box tools for the creation of basically any app. However, projects that are connected with the production of single-page apps, server-side rendered pages, and customized websites will benefit the most. Next.js takes the best out of React has and adds more security and functionality.



Developed by Google, Angular is the most popular JS framework. They had an aim – to create a tool to simplify both coding and testing. This way, Angular supports both MVC and MVVM design patterns. It is good at adapting HTML elements to the dynamic pages in a way that improves the performance and maintenance of the product. 



The framework has extended functionality, so no additional libraries and tools are necessary;

It involves stable development with experienced devs as Angular is hard to learn;

Dependency Injection allows making changes to the code without the need to write a lot of redundant lines of it. Change one component to alter those dependent on it;

It has utilities for unit-testing that improves security, detecting unvalidated activities from the server-side;

The website built on Angular is upgradable easy, as this process is automatized.



Google has created this framework for Single-Page development mostly. It tends to be more challenging to the creation of Multi-Pages products because of its outdated DOM system and all-in-one approach. However, it is worth noting that Google went from AngularJS to a new updated version of it, built on TypeScript. So, this JavaScript framework will be replaced by its successor.  


This is an MVVM framework, providing improved testing capabilities and security for your web app! It contains improved tools (like routing, state management, etc.) for web pages with complex functionality. It improves many fallacies that React and Angular tend to have when we talk about complex multi-page projects. 



It’s a progressive framework, so you’ll be able to logically migrate your project here feature by feature with nothing lost or altered;

It fits both small and large scopes of development, providing just the right size of functionality;

Vue is a winner in the preciseness of documentation. There are explanations of multiple issues that may occur while development, which saves much time;

Pug processor and drop templates enable customization of web pages.



Vue is one of the best solutions to create multi-page interactive apps with the functionality of different complexity. The problem with Vue, though, that although it is extended and complex, some features do lack, and there will be a need to address additional libraries. 

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