React JS
React by Facebook is actually not a framework. Yet. It is a library with fewer capabilities and a smaller ecosystem than its competitors on the market. However, its popularity exceeds other frameworks. The reason is that React’s components are just enough to solve most of the client-side development issues. Also, because it is of Facebook production, community support is powerful.
Reusable and stateful components allow optimizing and writing less for the same results;
With a component-based approach, devs can split the code into components ensures consistency that improves debugging, upgrading, and maintaining;
Virtual DOM enables change specific parts of code without the need to alter the whole structure;
JSX implements HTML elements into JS app, improving readability and visualization;
Community Support is wide and constantly developing;
It’s an up-to-date library. Facebook is continually making the code better. We at SapientPro have a bottle of champagne in a drawer to celebrate the moment React becomes a framework officially!
Our experience showed that it is applicable to any scale of the project. Of course, with complex functionality, there will be a need to code more from scratch, and it takes more time. However, it’s not a problem for most React developers. This library is a must for your project if you need just-in-time responsive and reactive user interfaces. If users of your app or websites will make frequent and constant changes to the user interface (upload photos, like posts, comments), React is a great fit!
Speaking of the previous library’s popularity, Next.js is the front-end React framework, enabling additional functionality to its apps. It helps to provide customized user interfaces according to their requirements and access rights. For example, one platform can have different levels of access for admins, editors, and designers. Also, Next.js allows creating static websites – displaying the same information to all users, regardless of their information (location, age, etc). They tend to be more secure.
There is the ability to create both static and dynamic websites;
It solves the main security fallacy of JavaScript by providing server-side rendering. It also improves browser responsiveness;
“Hot reloading” feature enables instant updates in UI after user’s activity;
Automatic code splitting provides improved structure to the code. This way, developers are more organized, and new team members get to the grips of the project faster;
API support allows developing some back-end endpoints.
This framework provides out-of-the-box tools for the creation of basically any app. However, projects that are connected with the production of single-page apps, server-side rendered pages, and customized websites will benefit the most. Next.js takes the best out of React has and adds more security and functionality.
Developed by Google, Angular is the most popular JS framework. They had an aim – to create a tool to simplify both coding and testing. This way, Angular supports both MVC and MVVM design patterns. It is good at adapting HTML elements to the dynamic pages in a way that improves the performance and maintenance of the product.
The framework has extended functionality, so no additional libraries and tools are necessary;
It involves stable development with experienced devs as Angular is hard to learn;
Dependency Injection allows making changes to the code without the need to write a lot of redundant lines of it. Change one component to alter those dependent on it;
It has utilities for unit-testing that improves security, detecting unvalidated activities from the server-side;
The website built on Angular is upgradable easy, as this process is automatized.
Google has created this framework for Single-Page development mostly. It tends to be more challenging to the creation of Multi-Pages products because of its outdated DOM system and all-in-one approach. However, it is worth noting that Google went from AngularJS to a new updated version of it, built on TypeScript. So, this JavaScript framework will be replaced by its successor.
This is an MVVM framework, providing improved testing capabilities and security for your web app! It contains improved tools (like routing, state management, etc.) for web pages with complex functionality. It improves many fallacies that React and Angular tend to have when we talk about complex multi-page projects.
It’s a progressive framework, so you’ll be able to logically migrate your project here feature by feature with nothing lost or altered;
It fits both small and large scopes of development, providing just the right size of functionality;
Vue is a winner in the preciseness of documentation. There are explanations of multiple issues that may occur while development, which saves much time;
Pug processor and drop templates enable customization of web pages.
Vue is one of the best solutions to create multi-page interactive apps with the functionality of different complexity. The problem with Vue, though, that although it is extended and complex, some features do lack, and there will be a need to address additional libraries.