Max Tatarchenko
2024-09-2710 min read
How to Create an Investment Platform

WooCommerce is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms with over 4,7 million live stores. It’s well-known for its integration with WordPress and the flexibility it offers to online retailers. However, despite its widespread adoption and robust feature set, WooCommerce isn’t without its limitations.
So what is a data extraction and why would you automate it? Data extraction or scraping isn’t just searching for the information you need on the Internet. Modern challenges in web economics demand a bigger-scale approach. The amount of data you need to analyze grows exponentially due to a great number of factors. Only by gathering a huge amount of data simultaneously can you mine data and find necessary trends, which will provide new opportunities to your business.
Old-fashioned approaches to finances and economics are already history. Why is fintech getting so popular? It is faster, more accessible, and more flexible. Fintech apps’ appearance was one of the main recent trends in global economics. But what does one need if they want to design their fintech application?
Today neither students, nor teachers and professors can imagine their daily routine without online studying due to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. Dozens or even hundreds of online services are being used daily by both scholars and education staff. However, it is not the pandemic we should give all the credit for online education to exist. Alternative ways of studying appeared as early as the XIX century. Advanced tech such as steam engines and the railway assured faster and more reliable correspondence delivery, thus making remote education possible. The very next important step towards online learning was made in the XX century with computers and the Internet being invented. In 1989 the University of Phoenix became the first institution to launch a fully online collegiate institution providing both bachelors and masters degrees. A few years later in 1994 the International University (Missouri) became the first fully online-based higher educational institution. Nowadays all major universities use online platforms to provide education services to their students. And again: it all has started even before the pandemic. Educational institutions used numerous platforms as secondary or even major tools in their work. The most advanced universities paid great attention to elearning platforms development. They used online platforms as a single place, where students could send their homeworks and get all the necessary materials to cram for their exams.
One third of all websites nowadays are powered by WordPress. If we take into consideration only CMS websites, the number will rise to 59.5%.
We don’t say there isn’t enough knowledge, because our specialists are always broadening their abilities, delivering first-rate products and making the customers satisfied.Being a client of a Web Development company doesn’t mean you have to know all the ins and outs of the development process. However, what may be interesting for you is the stages and main characters of the project delivery. You cannot address front-end developer directly if you need to add a new payment method. Even this, as you may think, simple task involves a well-thought teamwork. So, here is a brief insight into the mechanism of SapientPro Clockwork.
Talk to our experts to get an estimate and build a market-winning solution for your business.