


If you imagine the office of the IT company as a dim place, where there are programmers in headphones absorbed in their monitors and incessantly tapping on the keyboards, you may be right. But it’s not what’s going on behind SapientPro’s glass door. What’s there then?

We are deeply aware that in spite of working with machines, the focus of attention must be on people. So we want to draw the curtain of the life in our SapientPro society: how we organize our work, communicate inside the company, chill in the meanwhile and of course party. Without any doubt, each company has its personal formula of success and mutual understanding that works well for them; ours is fully based on the friendly and working environment.  Because there’s so much at stake, it’s vital that the corporate culture is flexible and welcomes enhancement.

Know a man by his company, and the company by its men. The environment in SapientPro is influenced by the charm that every worker brings in.  The diversity of views, characters, dispositions and even moods – these are the drivers of our company’s atmosphere. The members of SapientPro family feel that they are loved and appreciated not only on payday. Birthdays of each person in the office are celebrated with cakes and wishes from the colleagues. Fortune treats in the morning are not just tasty; they also give the positive attitude and inspiration for the whole day. The personalized mugs will never let any of us forget our names and the sphere we are proficient in. All the little details matter and contribute to what our employees call “it feels like home”.

Ask any SapientPro’s worker which day in the office was the most uninteresting. I’m sure they won’t tell you the date. And the reason is simple – no day at SapientPro is boring. Jokes, laughing, discussions, team buildings, memes sharing, pizza days, tasty pancakes and fresh lemonade on the kitchen are just a few of all why’s to gather, communicate and have fun.

The developers of the company are engaged in the rich diversity of projects. So the problem of monotonous work doesn’t touch SapientPro. For our tech talents IT is something like a window that helps to investigate the universe and I don’t mean that they have access to Google all the time. Working with companies from all around the world by requiring research broadens horizons, introduces to different cultures and makes new acquaintances.

SapientPro team can boast about its pool of tech experts. The programmers in the company are proficient in dealing with diverse frameworks, aspects of IT world. Our tech ninjas provide services like CRM, custom solution, mobile and web development, and a host of other things.  There is always an effective cooperation among the workers. The freshmen can easily receive some aid and advice from their competent colleagues. By incessant investment into knowledge and experience sharing, we establish a consistent growth in the professionalism of our colleagues.

Have an idea – be free to share it and receive support. That’s how it is organized in our little society. What we appreciate in our workers is their dauntless courage. Throughout our history we haven’t heard a person in our team telling that the task is too difficult. SapientPro takes up any challenge because it’s an opportunity to grow and develop skills.

We know how to work but don’t think we don’t know how to party. Yes, we love having fun! New Year, company anniversaries, barbecue goings-out and simple gatherings in the city bars… After having worked productively, – why not? We are a team even outside the office walls. And we always maintain a team-oriented environment in which each person is motivated by the company’s goals.

Going upstairs in three-floor mega modern and stylish office now, it’s not that easy to imagine that it all started only about 2 years ago with just four people sitting in the rented small flat. They had great ideas, ambitions, knowledge, humongous desire and they gave it a try. They involved a few IT talents, shared their experience and helped each other, took up some projects and realized that they could make a success. SapientPro began to grow at an immense pace. New people were coming, new projects were delivered. But what hasn’t changed is that friendliness in the air. You still can feel it if you come and visit us in Chernivtsi.

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