


Magento – why so good?

The E-Commerce platform is a basis where you build your website. It’s like when you construct a house. If you conceive an idea about a small minimalistic building, the base still has to be proof, but not as much as to be able to hold a 10-stock-house. However, if you do want a 10-stock house, you need a base that won’t go down to earth in a few years. Same with E-Commerce. Small project – a simple platform is enough. Large project – a more complex one is required

What if you choose a simple platform for a large project?

Well, what if you choose an unstable base for a 10-stock house?

It will eventually collapse, and the more people live in that house, and the longer they live there, the more possibility of collision is. The more people enter your website and make purchases, while your project is on some cheap and plain platform – the faster errors will emerge. 

That’s why Magento – complex, flexible, and powerful as it is – is the best solution for large enterprise projects, and for medium-sized ones that intend to grow.

An insight into Magento

The first thing you need to know is that Magento is open-source. That means you won’t have to pay for the license, and your only concern will be of how to find developers or software development companies that work with this platform. (In case you are in search, hi, we are here and we have highly experienced Magento developers)

Following the basic needs of any E-Commerce shop, Magento provides the most necessary features for you to organize your products, describe them, set the price, and process the orders. And many other things, you know, for your website to at least meet the basic demands of the modern customers. 

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What makes Magento so special and powerful, is its flexibility. Here you can create complex bonus plans, integrate multiple languages and currencies, structure an enormous amount of products so that even the most impatient customer will find a way to its highly desired product X. Whatever number of visitors – Magento “building” will be stable and proof. 

Multitasking is another pro, and it does not really matter how many tasks are performed at a time. 10? 100? 1000! Magento handles everything, and even more. So, if it is all good and great, why are we writing extensions then?

Extensions: why do you need them?

You see, a platform that contains some all features that anyone would ever want, well, it’s a utopia. The more developers code in Magento, the more creative solutions they create. Surely, the devs will need additional modules in case he or she, for example, will want to integrate Magento with Pinterest. Very often, if too many people feel like the platform does not solve some important issues, its founders include new extensions to the functionality. Before that – count on Community support! 

That’s why there is Magento Marketplace and that’s why the devs fill it in with ready-made solutions they have outlined. Coders encountered a problem. They solved it. Now, the devs can post it to save the time of other people who might encounter this problem as well. 

Some developers, who write extensions, earn money for that. However, this opportunity usually comes with reputation and experience. Most coders do it to contribute to the Magento community, share experience, and let the world know: “Hey, I am here, I code, and I do it well!”

Our purpose is to share the experience. You see, our Magento developers are in this field for quite a time, and they feel the need to share their knowledge not only with our Junior Developers but with everyone throughout the world. By providing ready-made solutions, we contribute to the Magento community. How can you contribute, too? You can download extensions, score them, and give your feedback. And, hey, you can go for our modules, too!



Tune your Magento solution with our extension and reach our modules within a few clicks on your dashboards. With this module, you get access to other extensions we’ve developed for you. It’s like a special portal to our services, and if you like what we do – feel free to contact us. All the extensions are free as SapientPro’s aim is to share what we can do!

As soon as you download this extension, our logo will appear on your Magento menu. Click it, and we’ll redirect you to our other solutions. Get access to our website and contacts. Code sapiently, develop like a pro!


With Facebook Software Development Kit, you reach a new level of social media presence. Each E-Commerce solution must be well introduced in social media, as the most target audience spends time there. Show them how great your products are with the ads and do it fast and efficiently with our extension. Then gather data about the user’s activity with your promoted posts and find out what works best with the audience and what – does not. Our Facebook SDK contains a lot of components that help to do all of that, and even more. We integrate it with your Magento and it’s ready to boost your project. Plug and play, as they say!


Let your users log in quickly by implementing Facebook Login Module for Magento. After the installation is finished, the login button will appear on the registration page and anywhere it is needed to check out on your website. Our solution stands out with its flexibility and details. We correctly met all the requirements of Facebook, and so there won’t be any problems with their inside rules. We don’t want just the quantity; we strive for quality. That’s why we perfected this simple solution.

With our Facebook login extension, your users will be more willing to register, and that means a boost in the number of customers, which leads to traffic and sales increase.

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