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WEBDEVELOPMENTDesigning for SaaS: UI/UX and Best Practices

88% of users wouldn’t return to a website after having a bad user experience. That’s why it’s important to use the best practices for your SaaS product’s UI/UX design. It’s totally worth it: every $1 spent on UX design will generate $100 in return. Read on to learn how to make a good SaaS UI/UX design!


10 min read


When you develop a SaaS product, design is one of the most important aspects to consider. It includes extensive research and the application of the best practices in the industry, all to create a powerful impression on the user and keep them engaged. Read on to find out how to design a SaaS product and make it effective!

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WEBDEVELOPMENTSoftware Product Development: Best Practices & Processes

Global spending on enterprise software reached $856 billion, while there are hundreds of consumer-grade apps developed each day. Creating applications of any kind requires multiple factors to consider. Some of these include following the SDLC process, choosing the right methodologies, and partnering with an expert team. Let’s find out how to develop a software product today!

WEBDEVELOPMENT10 Tips for Launching a SaaS Product

Launching a SaaS product may be a daunting task, requiring extensive planning to develop a successful application. We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide that will help you set a detailed product launch plan. Read on for more!

WEBDEVELOPMENTGuide to Successful SaaS Software Development: Benefits, Challenges, and Best Practices

Long ago, before SaaS, people hunted for software CDs and floppy disks. The valuable booty was installed on the computer on their own, or with support from fellow tribesmen who proudly bore the title of “computer scientist”. In severe cases, they had to invite skilled programmers to create special systems. And woe to anyone whose hardware would break – farewell to the data! But a few years ago the SaaS boom hit, and these prehistoric times became a matter of the past.

WEBDEVELOPMENTBest Tech Stack for Blockchain Development

Blockchain consists of cryptographic keys, peer-to-peer networks with shared ledgers, and means of computing to store transactions and records. However, there’s much more than that. Different frameworks, programming languages, and tools are hard to choose without the right experience. Our article covers them all.

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