Those who code in PHP know that you can associate it with many words, like flexibility, freedom, or ease, but rarely elegance comes to your mind. Spaghetti code can be “tasty” to figure out to extreme developers, however, in the community of coders, it is a bad practice. So, to make PHP elegant, reduce similar functionalities, and stop defining the same structure over and over again, you need to add a framework.
Laravel is one of the most popular PHP open-source frameworks. Like any other framework, its task is to provide ready-made solutions to:
- reduce the code, structure it logically to be able to understand it when revising or debugging later;
- ease up the integration of additional plugins and introduce the in-built ones;
- provide ready-made solutions and automatize manual processes.
Laravel was initially intended to become a more efficient substitute for CodeIgniter. The later did not contain authentication and authorization support, and it was a major turn off as for more and more websites logging in and signing up was a must. Since 2011, Laravel went from beta-version that was not even MVC-structured, to the improved and complex framework as it is now. The latest update to the 7.2 version dates back to the 19th of March 2020. It means Laravel keeps evolving, providing numerous prospectives to the projects that are about to be built on it. Laravel creators themselves state that this is the framework for artisans, who have no time to sweat over small things as they strive to create something huge!