
Top 5 Programming Languages For Outsourcing Web Development in 2022


CHAPTER #1 Two Sides of a Coin

Almost all web applications (except APIs that don’t have an interface at all) consist of two parts:


Everything that users can see in the browser window, the entire UI, including the website header, menus, pages, buttons, and forms – all of this is called the Frontend.


Previously, the stack of technologies was limited to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), a stylesheet (CSS), and JavaScript for making pages “alive”. Recently, however, HTML has evolved into HTML5, bringing support for new tags and features, CSS has grown into preprocessors, and JavaScript is the forefather of frameworks such as ReactJS, VueJS, and Angular.


The backend includes all the logic of the site, all the internal processes, work with the database(s), application interfaces (APIs), integration with other information systems, support for email services, IP telephony, and much more. Almost any programming language can be used to develop the logic of web applications, but there are languages that are most suitable for this purpose. These include PHP, Ruby, NodeJS, Go, C#, Python, and Java.


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Probably no programming language has ever “died” as often as PHP did. It was buried every year, and every year it got up, moved forward, and conquered new heights. Starting out as a simple scripting language for creating websites, it has gained an audience and popularity, and is not going to leave its throne, although being undermined by younger competitors.


The percentage of sites written in PHP, compared with other languages – is impressive. In 2010, the share of projects written in PHP was 72.5%, and in 2021 the percentage rose to 78.9%. Only one competitor – ASP.NET – managed to gain more than 10%. But that was back in 2010, and early in 2021, its share was already about 8.3%.


Since version 5 PHP gained full support for OOP, and since then has acquired an incredibly large number of frameworks and libraries. The only other framework and library that can boast more frameworks and jokes about them is JavaScript. Among the most popular in 2022 are Yii, CodeIgniter, Symfony and, of course, Laravel. In addition, for non-complex projects have been created thousands of CMS, which includes the legendary WordPress.


Obviously, with so many libraries, CMSs, and frameworks, the number of programmers is also growing, which means finding a team to outsource your site or application will not be difficult.

CHAPTER #3 Java - Enterprise Language

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In the early nineties, the Internet became a major tool for professionals and fun for amateurs. But the Web by itself does not work: it needs a program that turns hypertext into a page. Although today Java is not often associated with web development, it was the one that started Java-mania.


It is often used by large companies in finance and BigData. Banks, insurance companies, and retail chains all use Java. For instance, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs Bank develop their systems with Java. The server part of Amazon, eBay, PayPal, Adobe, and Oracle websites also is written in Java.


In Java, code is complex, with lots of words and signs: a syntax often called verbose. Although it can be difficult for beginners, some developers prefer a more formal syntax.


The language comes with numerous frameworks and libraries (such as Spring, PrimeFaces, and Dropwizard). To handle the web, it has the Apache Tomcat application server, providing an environment for running and executing Java code.


Java is still relevant because it is used in mobile app development, web services, software, Big Data, and business processes.


The number of companies ready to outsource your web projects in Java is not as large as the PHP or JavaScript community, but you can find such a company, and believe me, they will be masters of their craft.


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The author of Ruby, Japanese programmer Yukihiro Matsumoto, sought to create a language designed for humans, rather than for computers. He made it easy even for beginners to write and read Ruby code. This language is completely based on object-oriented programming.


Ruby is concise and flexible. It’s even possible to reassign existing operators in it, for example, to have “+” or “–“ perform other tasks.


Ruby has become popular because of the Ruby on Rails framework, which is used to write the frontend and backend for web applications. The backend of Twitter, GitHub, Redmine, and other resources are written in Ruby.


One of the advantages of Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework is the speed of development. The experience of numerous programmers shows that solving problems on Rails is one and a half times faster compared to other frameworks of this kind. Ruby is very simple as a tool, and there are a huge number of ready-made solutions for different kinds of tasks.


Also, RoR offers a wide variety of ready-made open-source solutions. Most of them have already been implemented by someone and tested by the community, which reduces the need to develop them from scratch, which is also an advantage for outsourced projects. These can be authentication systems, authorization systems, commenting systems, payment systems, mailing lists, and so on.

CHAPTER #5 Python - Language For Machine Learning

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Python was created by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum and was based on what he had learned from a language called ABC. The result is a readable language with a broad range of capabilities.


It has a simple and clear syntax, so newcomers often choose it as their first programming language. The syntax in Python has a simple, clear structure, it’s easy to read, and one might even say it’s pretty intuitive.


Python is used in web development, machine learning, big data analysis, and scientific research, and is used to write computer games and applications for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and other operating systems. The language has many frameworks, but one of the most popular for web development is Django.


Python and Django are used to write the server side of Instagram and the core code for YouTube and Reddit. NASA and Fermilab use the language in their scientific computations.


What is the advantage of Python in terms of outsourcing?  If you read it carefully, you already know the answer! Numerous features such as code simplicity, versatile use cases, modules, and a myriad of libraries are the reasons why developers, as well as companies, love Python. Written code is easy to read, edit, and reuse.

CHAPTER #6 Go For Gophers

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Golang is a language developed by Google. It is suitable for backend web applications and miscellaneous projects – for instance, Docker, InfluxDB, and Kubernetes are all written in Go.


In Go, a program can execute multiple lines at the same time. They call it a “goroutine.” To make a function into a goroutine, one must add ‘go’ in front of it.


The authors of Go tried to combine the ease of development in Python with the performance of C and C++ software.


It is cross-platform and can be used to write programs for Windows, macOS, Linux, and other operating systems. This is an open-source project, so the source code and compiler are available free of charge. There are frameworks for the language, with the most popular being Gin, Beego, and Echo.


Due to its clear syntax, Go is easy to learn, so it is recommended for high-school and university students. Go developers call themselves Gofers, hence the gopher is the mascot of the language.


Go is reliable and fast, which is why it is increasingly popular. Dropbox, Yahoo!, and eBay already develop services in this language.


The advantages of Go for outsourcing are similar to those of Python: concise, clean code. The language has no complicating elements such as classes, objects, and inheritance, and the simplified syntax makes it faster not only to write code but also to read other people’s code.


Every year the market for IT services, as well as organizations that integrate software solutions into their products, is rapidly growing. In such a frantic rhythm and diversity without constant monitoring, it is easy to get confused.


We gave a short characteristic of the most popular languages for web development, but it’s impossible to show all the nuances of a huge industry. Such a great variety of technologies and solutions inflates the companies’ budgets, which are fraught with consequences. But the solution is quite simple – outsourcing. Experienced, qualified programmers provide their services in as many man-hours as you need.


The speed of development, a professional approach, and cost savings – what could be better. All you need to do is choose the right technology stack and pick a team that knows and loves what they do.


Are you looking for a reliable team of technology experts for your new project? Get in touch with SapientPro and we’ll schedule a call!

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