Max Tatarchenko
2024-09-2710 min read
How to Create an Investment Platform

Web development is always a compromise between functionality, development time, and cost. Thereby, choosing the right platform is about your priorities and capabilities. One of the most popular platforms used for web blogging services and websites of IT companies is WordPress: it is simple, which is a great advantage for inexperienced developers. So the question is what to choose in the rivalry of building a website from scratch vs WordPress website development?
Web development is a very specific, yet demanded kind of work nowadays. The choice of the programming language is the very first step in the development of any project. It depends on such factors as budget, purpose, scale. Although, some programming languages are used fairly more often than others. Despite being old, PHP remains the most often used programming language for the back-end. About 80% of all websites including ones everyone uses on a daily basis are made with PHP. And this percentage isn’t going to reduce anytime soon.
So what is a data extraction and why would you automate it? Data extraction or scraping isn’t just searching for the information you need on the Internet. Modern challenges in web economics demand a bigger-scale approach. The amount of data you need to analyze grows exponentially due to a great number of factors. Only by gathering a huge amount of data simultaneously can you mine data and find necessary trends, which will provide new opportunities to your business.
Web development is at the peak of popularity and PHP remains the main tool for lots of web developers. Up to 80% of all the web software is developed with this programming language. PHP provides all the necessary tools and guarantees interoperability with different kinds of software as well as has many awesome frameworks such as Laravel or Symphony, which make development faster and easier. It is equally suitable for developing websites and mobile applications. However, even such smart web development is pretty expensive and one of the best solutions to cope with constantly growing budgets is outsourcing.
Building websites for special purposes and services is difficult. You have to keep up with modern challenges as well as fight for the speed, performance, and security of the software you develop. To achieve this web developers often use frameworks to deal with tasks faster and more effortlessly. Since most of the websites, web services, and applications are built using PHP it is important to be aware of all novelties regarding frameworks for PHP developers. One of the most useful and popular frameworks for PHP programming languages is Laravel. This open-source framework is used for a vast majority of middle-sized PHP-based projects nowadays. But why is it that popular? Due to many things, actually.
Today neither students, nor teachers and professors can imagine their daily routine without online studying due to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. Dozens or even hundreds of online services are being used daily by both scholars and education staff. However, it is not the pandemic we should give all the credit for online education to exist. Alternative ways of studying appeared as early as the XIX century. Advanced tech such as steam engines and the railway assured faster and more reliable correspondence delivery, thus making remote education possible. The very next important step towards online learning was made in the XX century with computers and the Internet being invented. In 1989 the University of Phoenix became the first institution to launch a fully online collegiate institution providing both bachelors and masters degrees. A few years later in 1994 the International University (Missouri) became the first fully online-based higher educational institution. Nowadays all major universities use online platforms to provide education services to their students. And again: it all has started even before the pandemic. Educational institutions used numerous platforms as secondary or even major tools in their work. The most advanced universities paid great attention to elearning platforms development. They used online platforms as a single place, where students could send their homeworks and get all the necessary materials to cram for their exams.
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