

CHAPTER #1 Gathering Requirements: What, When, and How?

Requirements are simple statements that describe how a product should work, behave, look, accomplish certain goals and solve specific problems. Gathering them or a project is an essential step since it sets the tone for future development and defines the overall aims of the product in general. Initial requirements are high-level, defining business objectives. And as you work with them throughout project development, they become more and more detailed and system-oriented:

Resource: APAI-CRVS


Eliciting specifications is the responsibility of stakeholders (project initiators), their representatives, and hired business analysts. These are people who will be directly affected by the outcomes of the product dev. 


Once the project has begun, you will need to provide your requirements to your software development outsourcer. They can then provide you with advice about what technology stack you should use, how many people should be recruited, how long the project would take, as well as if the idea is even technically feasible in the first place. 


Based on project parts they cover, specifications can be of different types:


Business requirements outline what a business needs to succeed and how it benefits from the product under development. 


User requirements define what users expect from the solution, how to solve their pain points and meet their needs.


Functional requirements dictate what your system should be able to do and what conditions it should satisfy.


Non-functional requirements identify results in terms of quality the application should achieve (for example, scalability, security, etc.).


Transition requirements describe conditions an application should have to achieve the desired outcome in the future. As soon as this outcome is completed, these specs will no longer be needed. 


Here are some examples of each type:

Resource: BA times


Your development team needs requirements to understand what you need from them. Consequently, if there are no specifications in place or they are vague, projects will either not be developed or be full of problems – from adding the wrong features and making incorrect estimates.

CHAPTER #2 Why are Precise Requirements Crucial For Your Project?

The project needs a clear vision from the beginning because you need to know what you want to develop and why you need it. Vision alone is not sufficient to actually kick-start the development process – you must detail it, make it more transparent, and break it down into more traceable and manageable requirements. 


With vague or non-existent specifications, you leave your product exposed to the following risks: 


The inability to begin working on a product at all;

Inconsistencies, bugs, and issues resulting from employees interpreting vague requirements in their own ways;

Estimation problems;

Inadequate prioritization of project deliverables;

Spending extra time and money on reworks;

Team morale is at an all-time low;

Despite the excellent technical quality, an app’s functionality does not satisfy the end users’ needs.


You can’t get where you’re going without requirements. They set the project in motion and point it in the right direction – the one you have initially envisioned. However, it does not mean that your specifications will stay the same throughout the entire development process. They might slightly change to keep up with stakeholders’ and users’ dynamic needs.


A great deal of the planning will depend on your initial requirements. Even so, sometimes the market situation changes, or you will need more work to handle growing traffic, so you might need to refine them. With the help of your business analyst and project manager, this process will go on smoothly.


Issues with requirements refinement and prioritization as the project progresses may also cause obstacles. As per the State of Software Development 2021 report, specifications prioritization is 4th among the top five reasons for delivery problems in software development teams. The same report lists unclear deliverables, unrealistic expectations, and inaccurate estimations as the other top 3 reasons for failures. Of course, they also trace back to inadequate requirements. So you should not disregard the necessity of eliciting and refining them. For help, you can hire business analysts or ask your outsourcing vendor – each of them has experience with this type of job.


But how do you determine if specs are good enough to start and drive your project?

CHAPTER #3 Signs of Well-Elicited and Clear Requirements

The primary objective of requirement elicitation is to understand what needs to be done in detail and to place everyone on the same page. If clear and direct, they are therefore key to success. There are, however, several additional characteristics of reasonable specs. They should be: 


Unambiguous – can only be interpreted in one way

Easy to understand – grammatically correct and semantically sound

Suitable for testing – can be verified to ensure proper implementation

Clear and straightforward – avoiding redundant information and unnecessary words

Reality-based – able to be accomplished with available resources, time, and money

Required – deemed necessary by stakeholders or users 

Maintaining consistency – not conflicting with other requirements 

Fully complete – must list all factors that may affect it


To prepare a requirement of this nature, you will need to implement analysis, communication, and gathering techniques into the dev process. 


Elicitation techniques are activities you, other stakeholders, and your BA specialists will hold to gather a list of specifications. These techniques include brainstorming, interviews, creating focus groups, collecting user reviews, surveys, prototyping. 


And then what’s left is communicating the requirements to your vendor and finally getting all work done! And with specifications being accurate and precise, the work will be done well! 


In a follow-up post, we will cover the best techniques for gathering requirements in more detail and tell you about ways of effectively communicating them to your software development partner. So in order not to miss it, keep up with our blog! 


And if you need help with any of the development processes or lack tech expertise for your next project – you can always contact SapientPro

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Outdated CMS may be among the reasons why your business hit a plateau.Developing and launching a website is not where the work stops. Besides, you have to maintain it constantly and implement profound changes. As for the latter, sometimes you may need to do something more than a simple redesign, and that may be a switch from one CMS to another. If your e-commerce business is continuously evolving and growing, it brings along more work to do. New technologies are always here to make your life easier. When it comes to CMS, there is also a great variety of opportunities you can use. In this article, we will walk you through the reasons, things to consider, and steps of CMS replatforming.


Let us be clear, the absence of SEO may result in the absence of website visibility.What people usually do when they need to find some information? Of course, they google it. The same goes for online shopping. When someone wants to buy or just compare prices for a certain product, Internet users simply open their devices to find necessary items online. Although you can now hardly find a person, who doesn’t have a computer or a laptop, people still use mobile devices more often. Thus, 93% of all internet activity starts with a search query. This number is for you if you doubt the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) for your website.


Bear in mind, the whole purpose of dynamic pricing isn’t all about making sales.Price is among the key priorities when the consumers make their final decision whether to buy a product or not. Too expensive or too cheap offers can easily avert the buyers from your store. What if other stores have smaller prices? Or similar products of cheaper brands attract visitors more? The solution for not losing the client base is keeping track and controlling the costs on your website with the help of dynamic price strategies.


The rise of sales, increased traffic and positive reviews are just a couple of benefits you may get from a website redesign.If you want your e-commerce business to grow and develop (we believe you do), you need to keep track of events in the online retail industry and, of course, implement on-time updates. Sometimes, small changes are not enough, then significant renovations should take place. Those may include changing the offers you provide and product lines, updating the website and finally redesigning. The question of redesign should be taken up seriously, as the first impression is what most people rely on when it comes to the Internet and its tough competition. Be ready to invest enough effort and budget to the renovation that will increase your business’s value. To know how to determine your budget. It’s important to consider at first the features, reasons, and type of changes, necessary for your website in the process of redesign.


Adding an online store to your website will cost you less than developing it from the ground up.Selling online is never a bad idea, especially nowadays, when people wish to buy everything they need right from their cozy homes.What if having a ready website a business owner decided to sell something? Good news! There is no need for you to start all over again. There is a solution – adding an online store to the existing website. The opportunities of eCommerce are growing as fast as the customers’ demands.


The e-commerce development company you choose will certainly affect the money you have to pay.The e-commerce website can definitely enhance the profit you receive from your business. But how much does e-commerce website cost? The figures you will hear in an answer to that question can vary a lot. Even after development, you will have to invest money into maintenance, improvement and adding brand-new features that are constantly appearing on the market. That’s in case you want your e-store to be attractive and profitable, of course. It’s even difficult to tell the average cost of how much should I charge for an e-commerce website. The numbers will vary due to different factors. In this article, we’re going to discuss them all in detail to help you grasp some idea about the money you need to pay for the e-store. First of all, you need to decide what you want your e-commerce to offer the customers. It may be anything from small business e-store up to a large website with a big amount of integrated (useful or just good-looking) features. It is also a good idea not to wait until everything becomes outdated. We strongly recommend to update all the features continuously and save money for more innovations.


To avoid the negative consequences, start with determining what you intend to achieve.The popularity of e-commerce is growing at a blistering pace. Many companies around the globe regard the internet as a powerhouse with high commercial capacity and opportunities to boost their business and attract more customers. Those companies are completely right – more and more people prefer clicking the mouse over walking for hours when they need to buy something. Online stores nowadays provide their customers with more possibilities for less effort. But how to make people buy on your website, not any other? The answer is in thorough planning and management of e-commerce.


We don’t say there isn’t enough knowledge, because our specialists are always broadening their abilities, delivering first-rate products and making the customers satisfied.Being a client of a Web Development company doesn’t mean you have to know all the ins and outs of the development process. However, what may be interesting for you is the stages and main characters of the project delivery. You cannot address front-end developer directly if you need to add a new payment method. Even this, as you may think, simple task involves a well-thought teamwork. So, here is a brief insight into the mechanism of SapientPro Clockwork.


If a customer wants to find a development company they can work comfortably with, the staff becomes a really important point to encounter for making a choice.Without any doubt, while visiting some websites, buying goods online or even using a digital map to reach your destination you don’t think of the fact that Ukrainian IT specialists might have taken part in the development of these apps. A great number of companies around the world choose to outsource web development to Ukraine and they do have strong reasons for that. So, let’s give a detailed look at the biggest of them:


As software development is a many-stage process, every its element contributes to what you have to pay for an application.Before starting something new, people usually ask: “How much will it cost me to do this?” If you expect to hear the exact sum once you come to the software development company, here is something you need to know. The factors to be considered for the cost estimation are numerous and most of them depend on how you want your website or app to look like.As software development is a many-stage process, every its element contributes to what you have to pay for an application. Let’s have a closer look at three most important factors that affect the client’s budget.

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