Contentoo . Full-Fledged Content Marketing Platform All

Contentoo is Europe's leading platform for content marketing talent. It offers a global pool of pre-screened freelance writers, localization experts, designers, strategists, and many other creatives combined with best-in-class tools to level up content creation.

The client contacted us to develop the platform from scratch. We had to build an MVP and continue full-scale development with the features, design, and top-tier performance.





Full-Stack Web Development

Project Volume

13400 man/hours

Team Size

5 people


Web, Mobile App


.Challenge #1

We had to create the database structure and refactor code base logic related to financial calculations. The client requested project cost automation and the creation of final monthly calculations and invoices.

.Challenge #2

We had to create from scratch and update the workflow structure in translation projects by integrating a third-party translation service.

.Challenge #3

We had to update the workflow of design projects and create a feature allowing users to leave comments by clicking on files in PDF, JPG, and JPEG formats.

.Challenge #4

We had to integrate a service that would automate cash payments to users based on the final monthly calculations created within the platform, reducing the load on the accounting department.


Developing the platform's MVP to evaluate its potential using must-have features.
Optimization of the database structure and its load by reducing the number of records in it and developing a parent-child tree in SQL.
Creation of feature tests, E2E Cypress tests, and other QA solutions to cover all old and new functionality. We linked automated tests to pipelines to minimize the number of reports.
Integration of the S3 file gateway and creation of a file system within it to cover all copyright-related projects.

Registration Flow

It was necessary to develop a steady registration flow for freelancers and create the logic for granting them access to the platform. This included a complex skill evaluation system to ensure that only moderated freelancers with a satisfactory rating could join Contentoo.

Evaluation Flow

  • Administrators or evaluators can see a list of freelancers and their status for evaluation;
  • It is possible to assign evaluators to freelancers based on skills and specializations;
  • The evaluator checks the freelancer’s brief and practical skills, evaluating them based on the industry’s criteria.

Translation Service


  • Integrated Crowdin’s localization management platform via its API, making the service available on Contentoo via the IFrame element;
  • Freelancers don’t have to enter the final word count when completing translation projects as all calculations are done by the service;
  • Project’s financials are calculated based on the number of unique words and repetitions following a “match type + compensations” formula.


Design Project Workflow

  • When the project is just created, the platform shows the “Waiting for the first designs…” text;
  • When a freelancer uploads a new design, the document’s preview is shown in a tile with the text “New” and a timestamp;
  • When a freelancer uploads more than one design, the platform shows separate tiles near each other.

Visual Notifications

  • Users receive notifications related to project activity, financial reporting, invoicing, and other activity within the platform;
  • Clicking a notification redirects the user to its related page;
  • Users can mark as read and delete both separate notifications and all of them together.

Financial Reporting

Automated project cost calculation, final monthly payments calculation, invoicing, and reporting.

Delivered Values

.X2,36 times faster response rate

after integrating WhatsApp notifications, reducing the average time needed to accept projects from 15,8 to 6,7 hours.

.3000 new active users in 2023

and 1900 new active users in 2022.

.€5 million in investments

received by Contentoo after analyzing and evaluating the platform’s technical capabilities.

.30% profit growth

in 2023 compared to 2022.

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Custom E-commerce Solution

Footshop is Europe’s largest sneaker retailer. The company contacted us to help them grow their online presence, develop a scalable web store and warehouse management system, and ensure the website’s stability considering the high load when launching regional versions of the store.


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Our Partner’s Testimonials

Watch the video below to learn more about our partnership with the client from Contentoo's CTO, Ron van Valkengoed, who shares his experience working with our team.

  • 444936694f5c5250a3d4ef5c4adcdc8f (1).webp

    Onno Halsema

    CEO, Contentoo


    “The billing engine is a super complex piece of our platform, and SapientPro did a remarkably good job building it. Looking at the entire platform, I’m super excited about where we are with the platform’s modules, which is a testament to SapientPro’s skill. Based on all my experience with development parties, I’m super happy with our partnership with SapientPro.”